Does anyone know of any improvements that could be made then?
I searched earlier for a SHORT while got ADD and decided to just mess with mine to see if I can make it run cooler... Here is what I did and mine runs at what I would consider a normal electronics temperature ...
1) peel back all for corners of the rubber piece on the bottom and expose the four torx screws (one on each corner)
2) remove all four torx screws and keep in a safe place away from kids that will send them flying!
3) the bottom (metal plate with rubber) will now lift right off the top half HOWEVER be careful the ribbon for the HDD runs from the board mounted on the top to the HDD mounted on the bottom plate you are taking off. Once it is up high enough to get your hand inside pull straight up on the ribbon connector on the board to remove the bottom completely.
4) set the bottom aside for now. Locate the fan (small black box with a red and black wire running out and to a small connector on the board. Disconnect this connector and the black tape holding the wires down so you have more room to work.
5) separate the red and black wires and using a scalpel/razor/exacto knife strip about 1/4 inch of each wire about 1/2 inch from the white connector. Make sure to remove the outer coat of both wires on all sides so each has about 1/4 inch of BARE wire showing all the way around. Set the top aside.
6) now grab the bottom that holds the HDD. Here you will need your razor/scalpel/exacto knife and your additional fan to be "installed".
7) place your new fan on the rubber and place an outline in fine sharpie marker/pen. The fan should sit about 1/8 inch off the hard serial number and information tag that is darker than the rubber, and lined up with the end of the same tag furthest from the bar code. Please see picture below.
8) using your cutting tool of choice cut JUST inside the outline to ensure a tight fit. Peel this square of rubber off. Now look cut another square off to the left top of the square you just cut to expose two additional holes in the metal plate. (Adhesive will most likely cover all the holes)
9) Take a pen/small Phillips head screwdriver and clean EVERY hole out in bout the large square and also the two holes in the small square to ensure air flow through them and no adhesive chunks are in them.
10) place new fan in the large square you just cut out to ensure that it fits snugly with no excessive movement. Now run your red and black lead wires from your new fan and stick them through the two extra holes in the small square. Now is the perfect Tim to swap the Hargrove off you want.
Is it possible to use an external hard disk instead of the internal via the usb port? As I know hard drive do get reasonably hot when in use.