My eldest son decided to splurge on buying himself an apple tv unit and so far we have things set up semi correctly. It took a bit of back and frothing to figure out we needed home sharing on etc. But my computer isn't showing up on the main screen under computers. I can push content to the TV from the computer, but I can't access it via the atv. We did set up an iPod with remote and can use that as a go between.
But I was under the impression that the apple tv would be able to access the computer and bring up a list of content that can be browsed by using the remote. Is there something I missed or is the tv a kind of pointless toy and my son just wasted money he could have spent on an iPod that could feed directly into his sound system instead
I guess all the stats would help. i7 mac mini running 10.7.1. the apple tv was just bought over the weekend and updated so I am guessing that is all current (it's in his room and he's still sleeping in) Triple checked the email is right etc, I can push content directly to the tv from the computer by clicking the little icon down the bottom of iTunes. But the computer isn't showing up on the tv. We've restarted everything, have I got it wrong in thinking the library should be available from the tv unit?
But I was under the impression that the apple tv would be able to access the computer and bring up a list of content that can be browsed by using the remote. Is there something I missed or is the tv a kind of pointless toy and my son just wasted money he could have spent on an iPod that could feed directly into his sound system instead
I guess all the stats would help. i7 mac mini running 10.7.1. the apple tv was just bought over the weekend and updated so I am guessing that is all current (it's in his room and he's still sleeping in) Triple checked the email is right etc, I can push content directly to the tv from the computer by clicking the little icon down the bottom of iTunes. But the computer isn't showing up on the tv. We've restarted everything, have I got it wrong in thinking the library should be available from the tv unit?