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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

PCMag has posted a review, hands on video and unboxing slideshow of the new Apple TV which should be arriving in customer's hands this week.

Their hands on video shows the new Apple TV's interface which looks much like the existing previous model. It shows the speed of renting movies and TV shows, flickr, as well as the Netflix interface:

In the end they describe the new Apple TV as an "excellent option" for iTunes and Netflix users.

Article Link: Apple TV Unboxing and Hands on Video with Streaming and Netflix


macrumors 603
Nov 25, 2009
I wonder, why people publish these unboxing videos? Are there those who can not open a box themselves without instructions?


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2009
Awesome! Can't wait, mine left China this morning. Should have it by OCT 5th from what Fed Ex says


macrumors newbie
Nov 18, 2009
Do you need itunes10 in order to use the Apple TV? I'm still running OS X 10.4, so I can't upgrade to itunes10.


macrumors 6502
May 29, 2009
Boston, MA
I wonder, why people publish these unboxing videos? Are there those who can not open a box themselves without instructions?

Some of us find it interesting, seeing what it comes with and seeing the shiny new apple product come out of the box...:rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2009
I wonder, why people publish these unboxing videos? Are there those who can not open a box themselves without instructions?

Actually they are great to have if you ever need to return something within the return period. Although Apple's packaging is so simple it isn't really hard to keep track of all the items that came with the box and where they go inside the box. For other products though, I have gone back and watched an unboxing video to see how things were arranged and what came in the box before I returned it to avoid a restocking fee (at certain stores at least).


macrumors member
Jul 17, 2008
Looks nice, but...

For the time being, the new ATV is pretty much exactly like the old ATV, which I have been using for the last 2 years (cut my cable 2 yrs ago and got a PS3, ATV, and netflix subscription and haven't looked back). The $.99 tv show rentals appeal to me, but that is really the only significant feature I would gain by upgrading to the new atv, but it doesn't have me all jazzed up to go buy a new $99 product. What does excite me, however, is the groundwork Apple has laid here by running the new device on iOS and creating Airplay. I think we'll see these advancements taken advantage of by both apple and other developers pretty soon, and I look forward to that.


macrumors 603
Nov 25, 2009
Actually they are great to have if you ever need to return something within the return period. Although Apple's packaging is so simple it isn't really hard to keep track of all the items that came with the box and where they go inside the box. For other products though, I have gone back and watched an unboxing video to see how things were arranged and what came in the box before I returned it to avoid a restocking fee (at certain stores at least).

Now, that's a valid reason for there existence! It did not cross my mind.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 11, 2007
Still messing around as a hobby product. Needs a DVR before it can be a serious product. Too bad, so close but still crippled. Maybe now that Zucker has been fired from NBC Apple will have a little less resistance to DVR's...


macrumors 6502a
Oct 15, 2008
Do you need itunes10 in order to use the Apple TV? I'm still running OS X 10.4, so I can't upgrade to itunes10.

From Apple TV specs page: "For streaming media from a Mac or PC:
iTunes 10 or later; iTunes Store account for Home Sharing"

I don't have the old model, so i don't know exactly how it works, but maybe you could set it up just for streaming from the net via apple rentals or netflix, but not stream your own content from your computer. However, this is just an assumption, and you know what happens when we assume...;)


macrumors 68000
Jul 22, 2007
Utica, NY
I wonder, why people publish these unboxing videos? Are there those who can not open a box themselves without instructions?

You really haven't been around the Apple community long, have you?


So, has anyone actually found out how much storage there is? That's my biggest question.


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2007
Canada EH!!!
I wonder, why people publish these unboxing videos? Are there those who can not open a box themselves without instructions?

People make money when others view their unboxing videos.


Being able to watch movie rentals as soon as you rent them is nothing new. We have always been able to begin watching rented movies while they continue to download. One major difference between this and the older version is that you can't purchase and store movies/shows on the new device.

With my older Apple TV I was able to hack it so that I could watch AVI files on it. I wonder if we will be able to stream AVI files from the VLC player on our iPads to the Apple TV?

Perhaps the interface with the iOS devices will be a cool feature.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 6, 2002
New England
external wifi antenna

i believe this can connect to internet via wifi. is there any way to connect a good external wifi antenna to it?


macrumors 603
Jun 28, 2004
Chicago, IL
Seeing the video really makes me want this. I wasn't sold on it but now I am. For 99 bucks this thing is a drop in the hat for what it does.

I was considering a Roku box but I might lean towards this.


macrumors 68000
Jun 6, 2007
Canada EH!!!
I wonder, why people publish these unboxing videos? Are there those who can not open a box themselves without instructions?

I just watched the video .... it's exactly the same as the older Apple TV without the hard drive. Nothing new here except the much lower price and lack of a hard drive. Guess you could always purchase movies on your iMac and stream them to the Apple TV.

I might have to ask Santa for one this Xmas :D


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2009
Do you need itunes10 in order to use the Apple TV? I'm still running OS X 10.4, so I can't upgrade to itunes10.

I feel your discomfort. I'm fed up with all of these 10.5.6 or greater downloads because I'm stuck at 10.5 (very long story, but I can't upgrade).

SO. FRUSTURATING :mad: :confused: :eek: :(

"I thought I got an Apple, not a Lemon!"
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