Apple has updated the Apple TV today with a new channel for Sports Illustrated's 120 SPORTS network. 120 SPORTS was launched last year on iPhone, iPad and other platforms as a streaming platform for major sports leagues, including the MLB, NHL, NBA, PGA TOUR, Nascar and leading college divisions. The digital-only network offers 76 hours of live content and more than 1,200 on-demand video clips each week.
MacRumors can confirm that 120 SPORTS was added to the third-generation Apple TV, although the channel has yet to appear on the second-generation set-top box."With this latest launch, we are happy to provide our fans with a new platform to experience 120 Sports," said 120 Sports president Jason Coyle. "We will continue to explore even more ways to deliver up-to-the-minute sports news to our current fans and new audiences, when and where they want it."
Article Link: Apple TV Updated with Sports Illustrated's New 120 SPORTS Channel