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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 13, 2013
Just kidding of course, but while there looks to be some really cool functions here, I expect some pretty significant improvements to the second generation, just as we saw with the initial iPhone.

I do wish I could go on a run w/o bring a 5.5" phone along, but that won't keep me away. My plan will be to buy this one, and then just sell it when it's time to update.

So likely a thinner form factor? Built in Wi-Fi/GPS? Improved battery.


Aug 4, 2011
More biometric sports sensors.
Cellular. Phone replacement.


macrumors member
May 14, 2014
in addition to what you guys said -

Changes to the screen:
- less gloss
- perhaps a coating specific for outdoor use for the sport-models
- smaller bevel
- bigger screens, yet same size cases (due to smaller bevel)

Camera (perhaps not 2. gen, but whenever they decide to turn the watch into a phone, a camera will surely be added)

Yr Blues

macrumors 68030
Jan 14, 2008
long-er battery life
less ugly

who wants to carry both iphone and watch? what's the point? i mean, $350 for a bit of convenience on top of having to own an iphone

not to mention having to manage battery life on both devices


macrumors G3
Jul 29, 2003
Silicon Valley
iPhones and iPads models got thinner over the years, so I expect the same with the Watch for the 2016 or 2017 editions. Maybe better battery life as well.

Hopefully, the watch band connectors stay the same for at least one generation.

GPS and cell phone won't happen for at least 4 or 5 years. The battery required for the radio to signal a far away cell tower or find a distant satellite and last a whole day is far too big with current tech for a wrist.
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macrumors Pentium
May 18, 2008
My money is the S2 SoC system will incorporate more sensors (blood oxygen, glucose by 2016) but by moving to a 14 nam process battery life will be greatly improved.

I don't see the product ever being a phone in itself, but as efficiencies set in you'll be able to use the product without the phone as it writes to internal memory then offloads to the phone as you return to it.


macrumors regular
Jun 13, 2016
I think the AW should still be Attached with iPhones cause thats the Apple Eco System , and now with new softwares its better than ever.....


macrumors 601
Mar 7, 2008
Atlanta, USA
I've just upgraded from sport to steel, so I guess I'm happy with version 1. :)

What I'd really like is a travel cable that charges both the phone and the watch at once. Something like this, but with the Lightning connector at 90 degrees so the phone can lie flat and the watch can sit up straight in nightstand mode.



Jul 14, 2015
I've just upgraded from sport to steel, so I guess I'm happy with version 1. :)

What I'd really like is a travel cable that charges both the phone and the watch at once. Something like this, but with the Lightning connector at 90 degrees so the phone can lie flat and the watch can sit up straight in nightstand mode.
That'd be cool, and I want the same thing. USB-to-charging puck-to-Lightning plug.

Another neat thing would be a charging space on a laptop. A fun trick is sticking the AW to one of the magnets in the top of my MB Pro's display.

In both cases, I'd be able to easily top off my AW when I need it the least. Because iCloud sends almost all my notifications to me through my computer, I don't really need my phone or watch on my person.


macrumors demi-god
Aug 28, 2015
Cellular, so you can use the watch for 1 hour before the battery goes dead and have to pay your carrier anywhere from $5.00 - $10.00 more per month for that luxury.
lol truth

A faster processer is very much needed more than anything in my opinion. Considering that Apple is ignoring the yearly (12 month) update cycle, the AW2 better be amazing given they've had extra time.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 29, 2008
Thinner and longer battery life don't really go together. It's already using an energy efficient screen that is off 95% of the time. Not sure how they could save much more battery.

What I really want is an ambient display like android wear so I can glance at the time without flailing my wrist around. Dim, mono, static is all fine to save battery.
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