Battery service - Ireland
Apple’s Limited Warranty covers batteries that fail due to workmanship and material. If we find that your battery is defective and is covered by warranty, consumer law, or AppleCare+, then there’s no fee. Apple’s warranty and AC+ are in addition to your existing
consumer law rights.
Our warranty doesn’t apply to batteries that get consumed from normal use. If your battery was consumed by normal use, you may be able to replace your Apple Watch for a battery service fee, as shown below.
If you bought AppleCare+ for Apple Watch, it includes replacement coverage for consumed batteries at no additional charge if your battery can hold only 80 percent or less of its original capacity.
Battery service In-warranty or
with AppleCare+ Battery service fee
(out of warranty)
All eligible Watch models € 0 € 91.30
These prices are for service directly from Apple. Pricing and terms vary at other service providers. Prices are in euro and include VAT. Out-of-warranty and battery service prices also include a € 12.30 shipping fee, which applies if we need to ship your Apple Watch for service. We’ll cover the shipping costs for your Apple Watch Edition.
Your replacement Apple Watch will be new or equivalent to new.