The Apple Watch can help treat a key symptom of sickle cell disease and changes to Apple's speech recognition algorithm could help people with a stutter, new studies propose.

According to a study conducted by researchers at Duke University's Day Hospital (via MyHealthyApple), the Apple Watch could help treat vaso-occlusive crises (VOCs), a key complication caused by sickle cell disease that often hospitalizes patients due to severe pain. The research indicates that machine learning using the Apple Watch's collected health data can discover trends to predict pain among people with sickle cell disease, which could provide an early warning signal and enable treatment via painkillers and saline hydration before it becomes more severe.
Researchers enrolled patients with sickle cell disease to Day Hospital for a VOC between July 2021 and September 2021 into the study, providing them with an Apple Watch Series 3 for the duration of their visit. 15,683 data points from the Apple Watch's heart rate, heart rate variability, and activity data were cross-referenced with pain scores and vital signs from the hospital's electronic medical record to create a machine learning model to predict VOCs.
In another newly published study submitted by Colin Lea, a research scientist at Apple who works on machine learning and accessibility related features, it is proposed that changes to Apple's speech recognition algorithm and machine learning could help alleviate problems for people with a stutter, significantly reducing cut-off utterances and word error rates by almost 80 percent.
Article Link: Apple Watch Could Help Treat Sickle Cell Disease Symptoms, Study Suggests