Quick questions about notifications on the Apple watch ...
- If you enable notifications from the Apple Watch companion app so that notifications show up on Apple Watch .... Do they still vibrate on the iPhone at the same time you get a Taptic feel from the watch ? Does turning on notification for Apple Watch silence notifications on the iPhone ? I dont want multiple Alarms going off around me.
- If you respond to a notification on the Apple Watch does it relfect your actions ? (lets say you close a notification from the watch ... does it still show up on the lock screen of the phone ? )
Notifications have not been well informed to the public by the recent reviews, insted chosing to only say that too many notifications were happening on the wrist ...
thanks guys
- If you enable notifications from the Apple Watch companion app so that notifications show up on Apple Watch .... Do they still vibrate on the iPhone at the same time you get a Taptic feel from the watch ? Does turning on notification for Apple Watch silence notifications on the iPhone ? I dont want multiple Alarms going off around me.
- If you respond to a notification on the Apple Watch does it relfect your actions ? (lets say you close a notification from the watch ... does it still show up on the lock screen of the phone ? )
Notifications have not been well informed to the public by the recent reviews, insted chosing to only say that too many notifications were happening on the wrist ...
thanks guys