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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 20, 2016
How visible should the band be? I have just changed my watch from a SBSS to a SS model. On the SB model, I could see if if I looked for it but it was well hidden. On my new SS model, it just seems to jump out at me a bit more, especially in certain lighting. Ive attached a picture that shows what I mean and it is in direct light admittedly but if anyone else can do a similar test/photo that would be great.


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thanks, im not sure mine is actually a 'thing'. It's only in direct bright light on that edge where the join is a little more visible/open than the others but it just happens to catch the light in my office at the angle I sit at!
did you notice it before the post on the front page came out?

Those are two different things. The Op is referring to the actual antenna surrounding the whole display, where as the edge stripes are likely a result due to moisture in some areas of the display.
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I've arranged an express replacement under AppleCare to replace the unit so will see how the new one looks

I noticed the exact same thing on my new SS. Was looking all over for something to explain this before I went to Apple worried that it was defective, as my Series 0 SS did not have this "band". Thanks to another poster (ericg301) led me to determine that indeed this is the LTE antenna.

Was so relieved (You know with being Apple OCD and all).

Mine is very hard to see except under some lighting conditions, but when I first inspected it upon opening I noticed it and thought I had a bad screen, until I noticed it to go all around and be the same dimensions. Thought it might be a new crystal process (which didn't make sense to me) but did even think about it being an antenna.

Think you can read easy.
Just for the record I wasn’t complaining about the antenna band. I knew what that was. My problem was the join between the screen and the band, there was a gap that kept filling up with dirt. It’s replaced now and it’s much better.
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I've arranged an express replacement under AppleCare to replace the unit so will see how the new one looks

Last weekend my Series 3 SS fell flat from a window ledge onto a tiled bathroom floor. It flapped face down resulting in a dent but also a microscopic separation of the two pieces of Sapphire Crystal producing a roughened edge that you could definitely feel all the way around the screen.

Although not particularly visible to the naked eye I found that if I shone a bright flashlight on the screen there was a definite patchy area of separation visible.

Thankfully I was able to get a fairly speedy turnaround on a replacement but if your watch does take a knock it's worth checking for this because it's definitely a worry for water proofing.
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