Anyone has tested this on series 4?Does the Apple Watch series 4 still counts steps while driving like the previous Apple Watch did? I hope not. Can anyone confirm it does not?
Just to be clear, are you talking about the red Move ring increasing, or are you talking about actual steps? Those aren't the same thing, but I've seen people confuse them.
Next, how many steps are you talking about? It's quite simple to fool my watch into thinking I'm walking when I'm not. So if my watch picks up a handful of steps on my drive home, I just assume I was doing something that my watch mistakenly considered walking. A few steps here or there doesn't seem worth worrying about.
I've not noticed anything abnormal with my Series 4, but I've not been looking for problems either. If it's picking up steps on my drives, it's not enough to stand out. Any small increases to my Move ring I chalk up to my heart rate being elevated from stress of driving in rush hour traffic. Those extra calories seem legit to me as I'm sure my heart rate is somewhat elevated and I'm burning calories at a higher rate.
If you could be more clear exactly what you mean when you say "counts steps", I'd be happy to check things on my next drive.
What I wonder is, according to complements on the forums about increasing steps number while you are driving especially on the rough roads.
Does the Apple Watch series 4 still counts steps while driving like the previous Apple Watch did? I hope not. Can anyone confirm it does not?
A few steps may be acceptable but 25.000 steps ??? It's just unlivable. May I ask, in how many km of driving apple watch count those steps?Yes it does I did a track day and I did something like 25,000 steps
A few steps may be acceptable but 25.000 steps ??? It's just unlivable. May I ask, in how many km of driving apple watch count those steps?
But I can confirm that watch counts steps while driving unlike from the iPhone. Yesterday in a short drive İphone didn't count even 1 step but apple watch counted 25 steps.
It was a track day racing on a very twisty circuit and I did about 100 miles which must have counted all the steps
It was a track day racing on a very twisty circuit and I did about 100 miles which must have counted all the steps