If you haven't already, do yourself a huge favor and cash out 100 shares to actually buy a Tesla with FSD. Give it a couple tens of thousands of miles and then tell me that Tesla has any kind of sustainable lead in EVs, AI, battery tech. Don't get me wrong, I think the Model 3 Performance is the best value vehicle on the road right now (obviously this is totally subjective). But it and the company have some huge issues and market their competitive advantage as much greater than it exists in reality. I also think interpreting Buffett (or Buffet, as you call him) and Munger's value investing philosophy as supporting evidence for yoloing your entire net worth into one speculative stock is dubious at best. Making a value buy means you understand the company and industry (you seem to be valuing TSLA's marketing rather than researching their product first-hand which with $10 million you should have no issue doing), the company has a competitive moat (they have multiple, but none large and none sustainable), the company is managed responsibly (see Elon's yolo into and then un-yolo out of Bitcoin, and encyclopedia of broken promises), and is at an attractive price (read: not at a 350 PE ratio).
If that's too abstract, here's something more concrete. Tesla has been touting the Model 3 as "hardware complete" for FSD since, I want to say, 2016 (don't quote me on that - it's around there). If you buy a brand new Model 3 right now, in 2022, you’ll have a car whose only side camera visibility is from the pillar behind the driver. So even if we assume the driving AI is perfect, flawless in every way, the only way the car can physically see around a tight corner with poor visibility is pull several feet further forward so that the camera on the pillar behind you is where your eyeballs would be if you leaned forward in the driver's seat to see around that corner. This places the car squarely in the intersection and, predictably, squarely in the path of other vehicles that have the right of way and have a significant chance of hitting you given that your car is driving out of a poorly visible intersecting road. There is simply no way to deliver on FSD for such a vehicle - it's physically impossible. Tesla will never admit this, they'll likely just pay out a tiny class action settlement when the time comes, but does that sound like a leader in AI? I forget if Tesla packages this as part of FSD or not, but the car's driver assistance features such as lane centered cruise control (which almost all other brands offer now, including on much more affordable ICE cars) are incapable of recognizing and braking for a brightly lit up and flashing emergency vehicle on the highway. It just plows into it. Meanwhile, LIDAR has been developed (which Elon has already spoken out against) at a cost of $1k/car that can identify and successfully brake for a small child running in front of the car at night. Something that a car which can't identify a 25-ton firetruck stopped in the road with lights on certainly isn't able to do.