Hi All,
I noticed that my watch had started making a weird noise when i tapped it, I thought it was due to the new software! Look closer at it today and my screening is falling off on the left hand side of the watch. Have done some research and seen that this has happened to a few but the majority have the whole screen falling off. The watch is out of warranty i bought it last June. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas about what my best options are. I obviously don't expect to pay for this as i've done nothing to the watch to break it. Don't want to spend over a hundred pounds for a new screen. Anyone have any advice about what the best things to say to the genius bar is? thanks in advance, Photo attached
I noticed that my watch had started making a weird noise when i tapped it, I thought it was due to the new software! Look closer at it today and my screening is falling off on the left hand side of the watch. Have done some research and seen that this has happened to a few but the majority have the whole screen falling off. The watch is out of warranty i bought it last June. Just wondered if anyone had any ideas about what my best options are. I obviously don't expect to pay for this as i've done nothing to the watch to break it. Don't want to spend over a hundred pounds for a new screen. Anyone have any advice about what the best things to say to the genius bar is? thanks in advance, Photo attached