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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 16, 2007
amazon gizModo ebay .. all those site have mobile versions optimized for iphone
even the iphone brand can match those examples... throwing a first page that doesnt render in iphone safari... great now we have a part-of-the-full-internet even at Apples


macrumors 603
Jun 30, 2008
Right? Apple has repeatedly made the point that the iPhone is the real internet in your pocket. Why would their site need a mobile version?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 12, 2007
I get the apple website no probs on my iPhone. Well not exaaaactly no probs as it is the one website that regularly crashes safari!

A minor irritation normally but I was trying to buy a refurb macbook and appletv recently (and you have to be pretty quick to pick those up and safari kept crashing on me. Lost out on the macbook (GAH! I was forced to buy one of the brand new ones - shame;) ooh perhaps it was a master plan by goldenjobs to get me to spend more money???:rolleyes:))

but I got the appleTV (YAY!)
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