Did you buy AppleCare for your new iPad? I have not bought it for any in the past and never had a problem, but I'm thinking about adding it to my 11" IPP.
What are the pros and cons on it?
Opinions please.
For a relatively low price, it offers two incidents of accidental damage and a very low excess fee which is the same both times (unlike some, for example DJI’s drone one where the second excess fee for a second accident is higher). For a product which is on the move like an iPad, I see it as a no-brainer myself. And, it also comes with Pencil protection too.
This is coming from someone who is possibly considering not getting AppleCare on my Mac, as in the UK it doesn’t cover accidental damage and only extends the warranty. I think for £129 you’ll be glad you got it if your iPad is dropped and the screen shatters, when a replacement screen would cost around £600 without AppleCare. Considering how thin these iPads are, I wouldn’t trust them holding up in a drop (unlike iPhones, which are designed more with drops in mind due to the nature of their use). I did think about not getting AppleCare, but I didn’t want to risk going without it.
And, because it’s so thin, even putting it in your bag could possibly cause a crack due to pressure from something else. Not worth the risk. Just my thoughts. I don’t know what country you’re in, but here in the UK you have 60 days I believe after it’s been activated for the first time to decide to get it or not.
To briefly address your bit about pros and cons - I only see pros, with the only con being having to pay a little more for it.