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macrumors 65816
Dec 27, 2020
Sydney, Australia
It's funny how people complained that the iPhone 1st gen was too big in 2007! Then they complained it was too small by 2012! I guess it's all relative. Hand size doesn't change, but perception does.


macrumors regular
Dec 10, 2019
I use the iPhone SE 1st gen as my primary phone. I came back from the iPhone SE 2022.
Let's face it: the iPhone SE 1st gen is slow and takes poor photos in low light, but it's awesomely handy and convenient - there's no alternative in that regard.
I will be sad to say goodbye to it - not sure if it will be in a year or two. What's next I don't know. For me, even the iPhone 12/13 Mini is a huge uncomfortable brick.


macrumors member
Oct 7, 2015
This was my introduction to iPhones. What a great device.

Nowadays, the screens on my phone are bigger, and many things improved, but I still think fondly of my Gold iPhone SE 64GB.

Lovely days.
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macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
Possibly my favourite ever Apple product of any description. I would buy a new one in the same form factor but with current internal specs immediately.
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macrumors 6502a
Jul 14, 2007
I will never adapt to a downside. It will always feel like a downside to me. Like 16:9 screen ratio. 4:3 was to much better. Most TV content is a bout human and humans are much taller than wide.
Strange argument, but if we take it in that direction... more TV is about groups of humans, and groups are wider than they are tall. I'm personally not a huge fan of vertical video, which is the direction it goes if you are trying to match the human height to width ratio.


macrumors 6502
Sep 23, 2014
Thun, Switzerland
This iPhone SE, iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 13 Mini were the last good iPhones.
Because good is defined by many factors including size.
They can do whatever they want to the power.
If they dont make small iPhones anymore, they are not making good iPhones anymore.
And there are no alternatives at all anymore.
The era of mobile phones is gone.
All we have now are tablets in smaller format.


macrumors 68030
Feb 27, 2006
Still the best iPhone of all time to me. I’ll be rocking a 13 mini until it dies or Apple tries a sane-sized phone again.
I was unfortunately too late to get the 13 Mini before Apple removed it from the store. But my 12 mini is doing still OK (30 hours per charge).


macrumors member
Feb 9, 2023
I remember trying to talk my mom into getting the 6 or 7, I'm not sure when in 2016 she got hers, but no, she had an Iphone 5 and she wanted one that same size because it fit in her purse perfectly. :D
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Victor Mortimer

macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2016
I wish they'd make a SE+.

I really hate the stupid notch, and Touch ID with a home button is much nicer than Face ID and slide up.

But the SE is just too small.


macrumors 68040
Apr 8, 2015
I’ve never had one, but it’s my favourite iPhone of all time. If I could use one on iOS 10 as a main iPhone it would be just perfection.


macrumors 6502
Oct 24, 2018
I got one of these and was genuinely surprised at its sub-par quality. Having been used to iPhone 6 Plus, the screen had significantly poorer viewing angles. If you weren't looking at it straight on, the colours skewed noticeably, and you started seeing patterns caused by the LCD matrix.

It also lacked a barometer used by weather apps, which I found useful.

I usually get two or three years out of my iPhones but with the SE it lasted around 18 months before I upgraded. It just wasn't the standard I'd expect of an Apple product.

I have a work-supplied iPhone SE 2. That just seems to be basically an older-gen phone with some newer tech, so is fine. I find the screen a bit small having got used to my own personal iPhone 13 Max, but it does the job.
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macrumors regular
Dec 10, 2019
Now we call "Vintage" a device from 6-7 years ago.

Unbelievable sh*t. And it's unbelievable that this thing finally became so popular.

Macintosh, Atari ST and Amiga were from a completely different galaxy.


macrumors member
Aug 10, 2021
For anyone who's been around a while, that Vintage Products List link in the article is a goldmine of nostalgia triggers.

Also Apple laying serious shade on itself by putting the Macintosh Portable in the desktop category.


macrumors 68030
Sep 3, 2011
Articles like this make me feel really old. It feels like the SE came out yesterday.
It’s more about how fast technology evolves. It was only 5 years ago. Then there’s the issue of, does Apple risk getting called out for “slowing down devices” (which I do know happened) and give you the next iOS update or do they not make it eligible and get called out for “making us buy new phones.” It’s a lose lose for them. But it DOES suck that devices outdate so quickly.


macrumors G3
Dec 7, 2014
It’s more about how fast technology evolves. It was only 5 years ago.

Well, the discontinuation was. The introduction was seven and a half years ago.

Then there’s the issue of, does Apple risk getting called out for “slowing down devices” (which I do know happened) and give you the next iOS update or do they not make it eligible and get called out for “making us buy new phones.” It’s a lose lose for them. But it DOES suck that devices outdate so quickly.


I had an iPhone 3G and kept upgrading it, so it eventually ran iOS 4. Boy, that experience was poor. The hardware clearly was underpowered to run that OS. And, no way to downgrade. And that was only two OS upgrades into the product!

These days, iPhones get upgrades for many more years, and it’s not as big a deal.
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