I "hope" this gaming initiative sticks for AAA gaming coming to the Mac, hopefully the sales will be high enough to meet whatever internal milestone they have set. If it is successful it's not going to be because Apple had the wherewithal to just identify 3D as a key sector they need to be in because of how much innovation is constantly happening there, or because of how many semi-aligned or not aligned at all industries are being driven by the tech coming from tech companies in 3D now. You don't go about things the way Apple has done if at any point in the future you want to be #1 in tht area. Apple has built it's reputation on being #1 or striving to be #1 in every category they they operate in, but with 3D they always choose to be the wet noodle.
Going all the way back to GameSprockets and well before they've never been serious about AAA gaming or professional 3D relative to what's happening in those industries at large. Apple has never really wanted even basic parity and it's always been sad to watch especially when you know Apple could kill it if they actually took it seriously. 3D has been the next Desktop Publishing after Desktop Publishing died and it's going to stay evergreen for the foreseeable future. It's really disappointing to see Apple constantly to start these half-hearted runs at high performance 3D only to sheepishly shrink away a couple of years later.
Hopefully, they'll do what I've suggested in the past or something else that would net the same or similar results, which would be to build a strategic alliance with Sony so Sony can buy Vaio back to build into a stronger computer division than it was before with Sony Macs based on Apple Silicon and x86 that would both be compatible with industry standard GPUs and unfettered access to all the AAA/PC games any platform could hope for. People that prefer Apple's current roadmap could stay buying that hardware and people that would prefer a more robust 3D performance roadmap in-line with high performance CG, Game Development, Gaming, AI in-line with hardware covering the middle to the top requirements of those industries could finally have an alternate option without having to toss MacOS out the back window to do it.
Going all the way back to GameSprockets and well before they've never been serious about AAA gaming or professional 3D relative to what's happening in those industries at large. Apple has never really wanted even basic parity and it's always been sad to watch especially when you know Apple could kill it if they actually took it seriously. 3D has been the next Desktop Publishing after Desktop Publishing died and it's going to stay evergreen for the foreseeable future. It's really disappointing to see Apple constantly to start these half-hearted runs at high performance 3D only to sheepishly shrink away a couple of years later.
Hopefully, they'll do what I've suggested in the past or something else that would net the same or similar results, which would be to build a strategic alliance with Sony so Sony can buy Vaio back to build into a stronger computer division than it was before with Sony Macs based on Apple Silicon and x86 that would both be compatible with industry standard GPUs and unfettered access to all the AAA/PC games any platform could hope for. People that prefer Apple's current roadmap could stay buying that hardware and people that would prefer a more robust 3D performance roadmap in-line with high performance CG, Game Development, Gaming, AI in-line with hardware covering the middle to the top requirements of those industries could finally have an alternate option without having to toss MacOS out the back window to do it.