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macrumors newbie
Aug 10, 2012
discovery of new apps remains difficult for many users :mad:

Really? Then why not use the tried and true method adopted by Amazon called crowd sourced recommendations and let users search for the highest rated apps recommended by other users? Forget the Top Paid, Top Free and Featured taxonomy. These categories are neither comprehensive nor specific and they simply waste my time.

Also for a robust app discovery system, users must be empowered to free-text search full text user recommendations. I use these features every day to determine products to buy from Amazon. Why not let me use the same features to select apps from the App Store?


macrumors newbie
Oct 3, 2012
Want to Promote or advertise my iphone app

Dear, i want to promote my app, so plz give me some tips & i have press release about app , so where i can publish it?


macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2007
TA is still working, woohoo!

TouchArcade screen shots seem to have been updated to 4inch iPhone5 screen shots. Which would have occurred after the policy change.

How much of an update is required to update screen shots?
Would there have been a review that should have taken the new rule into account?
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