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macrumors 68000
Oct 29, 2006
Sheffield, England
Yes a watch is a total gimmick. Who wears those things? Oh wait...

People who like wrist jewellery - Ideally expensive status jewellery.
They don't wear watches for their utility value.

They certainly don't want to wear a chunk of consumer electronics than needs charging every 72 hours.

For the vast majority of watch wearers, the watch is a status symbol, or a decorative item.

Cramming electronic functions into a watch is possible.

But cramming electronic functions into a watch results in product that does a lot of things worse than existing solutions. It is the netbook of wearable computing.


macrumors 68000
Feb 11, 2002
1) Fugly
2) stupid idea
3) intstead, how about some iOS innovation and hardware innovation so they stopped getting their a**es kicked (or perceivably so), by Samsung.

Normally I love anything Apple does, but for quite a while (even before Steves untimely passing) I'm starting to doubt their path.

iOS is looking anemic next to some other offerings out there and the hardware is falling behind.
Apple says thy'll only make great product, etc. Dammit! They already know how to make a great product. Even if all they did was keep up with screen sizes and some extra iOS capabilities I'd be happier.

Right now, the only thing keeping me to the iPhone is the iCloud synching between the phone, my and my wife's iPads, my wifes iPhone and my MacBook Pro.

Forget the watch, Apple, get your heads out of the hole in the ground and take a look ahead of you 'cause there doesn't seem to be much behind you.

Sorry, am starting to reach my limit.:)


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007

Exactly. Wrap around screens? (PUKE) I'd rather have a nice little display that disguises itself as a nice analog watch face until accessed. Controls should be either voice driven or limited in function. It would be more of a companion to an iPhone (biometric passwords make some sense) with the ability to output messages, reminders, send music to blue-tooth, etc. not a "replacement" for an iPhone.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 2, 2005
On an island in Maine
Apple wouldn't have had to make an iWatch if they had just improved on the last generation iPod Nano. Or maybe that was the point. They made the Nano just a boring MP3 player again so they could release a new product that's exactly like their old product with a fancy new name. :rolleyes: And those mockups look uncomfortable. One of the biggest factors of a watch is whether it feels comfortable on your wrist. Those look like a souped up Medical alert bracelet. :p


macrumors regular
Jun 25, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio
I buy and wear my watches for social status. I bought some of the ones I have now because they had diamonds/gold or some rare gems/precious metals. I did not buy the watches I own to tell the time. I use my watch to check the time on occassion, but I see myself pulling my phone out to check the time, weather, stocks, email, etc.

I am not saying everyone does this, but I am sure some people do.

A techy watch? I don't know how I feel about that...I am sure it will have a high price point ($200+) for a watch that will most likely never appreciate in value. might not even hold its value in a year or two. I can't say that the watches I currently own have appreciated in value (they might have), but I can say that they haven't depreciated in value by much due to the brand/gems/metals.

IF a tech watch came out with the features/qualities I am looking for in a watch...I will most likely buy it even if it runs a few hundred dollars more.


macrumors regular
Nov 18, 2011
The beginning of the end? Seriously think somethings wrong at Apple HQ.

Let me see if I have this right. You read a rumor from an English paper that Apple were building a watch and they even mocked up pictures.

You then assumed this is real and happening at Apple..... even though we all know it's not.

Then you let us know it's the beginning of the end for Apple.


I know a couple of things.

Apple don't do U-G-L-Y

Apple tend to make a pretty good go of stuff they do. Not always. But mostly.

I'll sit and wait, see what pops out then make a call.

(I guess that Samsung have their model near release and it's confirmed (I believe) would mean to you that company is heading to it's end.


macrumors 6502
Feb 6, 2013
Is Apple working on an iWatch that can be experienced as an Even More Personal personal computer -- an "intimate computer"?

No, it's going to be a PC with iWork, Final Cut Pro, Terminal, and Marble Blast Gold! /s


macrumors G5
Mar 10, 2009
If it had a heart rate monitor in it, the watch could deactivate when a pulse is no longer detected... morbid thought but would solve this problem.

I purposely said "dead/injury" ( should have been injured). Unconscious you still have a pluse and the watch would be active. Likewise two broken arms... still working. Tear gassed ... still working.

There are many other states other than dead. Again this isn't couch potato video game where get shot and there little to no impact until you "restart".


macrumors 6502
Feb 6, 2013
If it had a heart rate monitor in it, the watch could deactivate when a pulse is no longer detected... morbid thought but would solve this problem.

Or call for help. People don't necessarily die when they have no pulse.


macrumors newbie
Mar 25, 2011
I wonder if changing the direction of the watch would make it more functional - as in the 'watch' face on the inside of the wrist freeing up the outward side to more fashion focus (as others have pointed out - let the case makers take on the fashion strap business). This could also allow for a slightly larger screen while still being comfortable, plus a tad more privacy (Text messages/notifications coming up on an outward facing screen might be awkward - thinking eating at a restaurant and a text comes up that's visible to your table mates.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 23, 2009
Santa Monica, CA
People keep saying that few, if anybody, wear watches anymore. That's only because they only tell time and have become redundantly redundant. :D These Smart watches do a lot more than just tell time, and are therefor not redundant. They enhance function, give quicker access to some important info, and add useful functions. How is it that some people can't see the brilliance of such a product?


macrumors regular
Nov 18, 2011
1) Fugly
2) stupid idea
3) intstead, how about some iOS innovation and hardware innovation so they stopped getting their a**es kicked (or perceivably so), by Samsung.

Normally I love anything Apple does, but for quite a while (even before Steves untimely passing) I'm starting to doubt their path.

iOS is looking anemic next to some other offerings out there and the hardware is falling behind.
Apple says thy'll only make great product, etc. Dammit! They already know how to make a great product. Even if all they did was keep up with screen sizes and some extra iOS capabilities I'd be happier.

Right now, the only thing keeping me to the iPhone is the iCloud synching between the phone, my and my wife's iPads, my wifes iPhone and my MacBook Pro.

Forget the watch, Apple, get your heads out of the hole in the ground and take a look ahead of you 'cause there doesn't seem to be much behind you.

Sorry, am starting to reach my limit.:)

If I take a moment to imagine the possibilities for a smart watch I can see the usefulness. Right now I don't wear a watch and haven't for years. If the watch can do what I imagine then it would beat having to pull the phone out to check stuff all the time. The phone can even migrate to a bag more often. Which in turn will mean a bigger phone would be more acceptable or even a tablet. I can imagine this as a game changing product.

I like the second part of your comment about why you're with Apple. Basically if Samsung can create a linked system and make it easy to migrate from Apple you'd possibly abandon ship.

Imagine if Samsung could make that happen. It would completely change the game. Currently MS are looking for the game changers but are completely oblivious to where the market is. Samsung are probably the most onto it.

What an interesting idea to imagine.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
So I use the keyboard and mouse through Bluetooth, or do I have to plug them in? At least 5 USB ports would be useful.


macrumors member
May 9, 2011
Time will tell

The watch does not have to curve much if at all but rather-OPEN-UNFOLD to become as big as todays iphone! Yes, it could twist for vertical or horizontal viewing and have a detachable earpiece. Just do it-keep it simple and yet very functional and NOT need an iphone nearby or in our pockets to work. If needed make a belt buckle or shoe insert that adds functionality.


macrumors 6502
Dec 5, 2010
Montreal, Canada
Okay, I'm really not into it but honestly–I think Apple can pull it off if it happens. What I see right now is Apple stepping in a relatively unknown market, innovating like they used to.


macrumors 68020
Jul 13, 2008
The beginning of the end? Seriously think somethings wrong at Apple HQ.

It's truly impressive that you can determine the demise of an entire company based upon a crappy mockup from a website.

Can I get the winning Lotto numbers, please? I'll cut you in 30%!


"Intimate computers"

Just what direction is Mr. Cook taking the company? :confused:


We shall elope and run away to Milan together, Siri and I.

Truly, the most intimate computer I've ever used.

Really, it was the shocked calling of my name that was so damn funny. Well, shocked for Siri anyway. It was more like dull surprise for her.


macrumors member
Jan 28, 2010
if only I had something on me at all times that could tell me the time, offer maps, email, texts, browsing....


I once read a bit on the evolution on the watch.

First portable watches the pocket watch
The second gen watch: a self winding pocket watch
Third gen: the wrist watch (How convenient we don't have to take our watches out of our pockets anymore to check the time)

Then the cellphone

I dont need a watch i have the time with me always right in my pocket (i.e. pocket watch)

Next thing has to be a wrist cellphone (not sure what else to call it)

Genius!! I don't have to take my phone out of my pocket to make calls, check the time etc.

I agree this does not make sense yet but maybe one day ...
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