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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 20, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
Lately Ive been having issues after starting my AppleTV on latest tvOS. I hit menu on the remote, the light comes on but the TV flashes on and off, on and off. The screen goes black during each flash like the video signal is cutting out. The only way to fix it is by hitting the sleep button on the remote and selecting go to sleep. Then restart again and its fine. Is anyone else having this same issue?
Doesn't happen to me -- sounds like a call to AppleCare might be in order...
Don't have this problem either. I was going to suggest maybe a faulty HDMI cable however the flashing seems consistent and a faulty cable would cause more random issues. Can you try plugging into a different HDMI port on your TV and test it?
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