In today's news...
"A large production crew filmed parts of an upcoming psychological thriller television series in Finnish Lapland earlier this year, but have left a huge unpaid tab in their wake, according to a report by Helsingin Sanomat.
The unpaid bills amount to a total of more than 1 million euros, HS writes, leaving the local businesses that provided services to the production crew facing serious financial difficulties.
The series, produced under the working title Constellation, was commissioned by Apple TV+ and is reported to be one of the most expensive TV series ever filmed in Europe. It is also the largest TV series ever produced in Finland.
The crew, consisting of between 200 and 300 people, filmed around the Ivalo and Inari areas of Finnish Lapland in January and February this year.
Several of the companies that provided services to the crew — including a hotel, a catering company and an electrical contractor — told HS their invoices are still unpaid six months after being sent. The largest of the unpaid bills is worth almost 300,000 euros."
"A large production crew filmed parts of an upcoming psychological thriller television series in Finnish Lapland earlier this year, but have left a huge unpaid tab in their wake, according to a report by Helsingin Sanomat.
The unpaid bills amount to a total of more than 1 million euros, HS writes, leaving the local businesses that provided services to the production crew facing serious financial difficulties.
The series, produced under the working title Constellation, was commissioned by Apple TV+ and is reported to be one of the most expensive TV series ever filmed in Europe. It is also the largest TV series ever produced in Finland.
The crew, consisting of between 200 and 300 people, filmed around the Ivalo and Inari areas of Finnish Lapland in January and February this year.
Several of the companies that provided services to the crew — including a hotel, a catering company and an electrical contractor — told HS their invoices are still unpaid six months after being sent. The largest of the unpaid bills is worth almost 300,000 euros."