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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 15, 2016
My apple TV (3rd gen, Model A1469, Software version 7.2.1) does not recognize the HomeShared libraries of either my laptop or desktop, both of which have different content downloaded.
Now, before someone comes up with a copy paste of the troubleshooting page,
All devices are on the same network.

All devices have home sharing enabled.

All devices are using the same account for homesharing and itunes.
I have rebooted the router.

iTunes is open on both computers all the time.
I have rebooted the devices, in all possible orders.

Now, I thought the appleTV just wasnt interacting with any other computers, but I can airplay from both computers to the AppleTV.
Now, at first I thought the ATV was just streaming from the internet and not actually from the computer, so I forced it to via the Airplay option "Play iTunes in the Cloud" (I set that from Auto to Off). Airplay still work.

So, that leads me to conclude that it can interact with the computers, but simply refuses to acknowledge their library for Homesharing for whatever reason.

Has anyone had this problem before?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
My apple TV (3rd gen, Model A1469, Software version 7.2.1) does not recognize the HomeShared libraries of either my laptop or desktop, both of which have different content downloaded.
Now, before someone comes up with a copy paste of the troubleshooting page,
All devices are on the same network.

All devices have home sharing enabled.

All devices are using the same account for homesharing and itunes.
I have rebooted the router.

iTunes is open on both computers all the time.
I have rebooted the devices, in all possible orders.

Now, I thought the appleTV just wasnt interacting with any other computers, but I can airplay from both computers to the AppleTV.
Now, at first I thought the ATV was just streaming from the internet and not actually from the computer, so I forced it to via the Airplay option "Play iTunes in the Cloud" (I set that from Auto to Off). Airplay still work.

So, that leads me to conclude that it can interact with the computers, but simply refuses to acknowledge their library for Homesharing for whatever reason.

Has anyone had this problem before?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks

I will occasionally get this with my ATV4 and iTunes Library setup. It seems to happened when the iTunes app has been open for a long period of time (usually three weeks or more - the only time the machine and the iTunes app installed on it are shut down is for monthly system/app updates or if there is a need to reboot the machine for some reason). Instead of turning off/restarting all the devices, I've gotten the ATV to recognize the Home Sharing by going into iTunes, going to the menu and choosing FILE, then HOME SHARING, TURN OFF <Home Sharing account>. Then close the iTunes app completely {menu iTUNES, QUIT iTUNES or the keystroke combo of CMD (⌘) Q}. Then on the ATV, log out of the Home Sharing account and RESTART (don't accidentally choose Reset from the options) the ATV unit. Once it has restarted and is ready for input, enter in your Home Sharing account credentials and log in to Home Sharing on the ATV unit. Restart iTunes (if you want to restart your computer after quitting iTunes, you can but I find that I don't need to), go to menu FILE, HOME SHARING, TURN ON <Home Sharing account>. Hopefully, your ATV unit now is communicating with the iTunes Home Sharing feature. It seems that the ATV and iTunes loose their communication/Home Sharing settings with each other if iTunes sits open for long lengths of time. Hope this helps you out and maybe cuts down on having to restart and wait for several devices to come online and be re-setup.
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