My apple TV (3rd gen, Model A1469, Software version 7.2.1) does not recognize the HomeShared libraries of either my laptop or desktop, both of which have different content downloaded.
Now, before someone comes up with a copy paste of the troubleshooting page,
All devices are on the same network.
All devices have home sharing enabled.
All devices are using the same account for homesharing and itunes.
I have rebooted the router.
iTunes is open on both computers all the time.
I have rebooted the devices, in all possible orders.
Now, I thought the appleTV just wasnt interacting with any other computers, but I can airplay from both computers to the AppleTV.
Now, at first I thought the ATV was just streaming from the internet and not actually from the computer, so I forced it to via the Airplay option "Play iTunes in the Cloud" (I set that from Auto to Off). Airplay still work.
So, that leads me to conclude that it can interact with the computers, but simply refuses to acknowledge their library for Homesharing for whatever reason.
Has anyone had this problem before?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Now, before someone comes up with a copy paste of the troubleshooting page,
All devices are on the same network.
All devices have home sharing enabled.
All devices are using the same account for homesharing and itunes.
I have rebooted the router.
iTunes is open on both computers all the time.
I have rebooted the devices, in all possible orders.
Now, I thought the appleTV just wasnt interacting with any other computers, but I can airplay from both computers to the AppleTV.
Now, at first I thought the ATV was just streaming from the internet and not actually from the computer, so I forced it to via the Airplay option "Play iTunes in the Cloud" (I set that from Auto to Off). Airplay still work.
So, that leads me to conclude that it can interact with the computers, but simply refuses to acknowledge their library for Homesharing for whatever reason.
Has anyone had this problem before?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks