It doesn't really work like that in mac. I tried already and it didn't work so I was wondering if it was a mac issue or a user issue. Do you have experience making a log file that you can share?
It doesn't really work like that in mac. I tried already and it didn't work so I was wondering if it was a mac issue or a user issue. Do you have experience making a log file that you can share?
TextWrangler has an option for inserting the current date, and it's free. In TextWrangler's paid version, BBEdit (and might be possible from TW), you can write scripts to run at certain events, such as opening the file. That could potentially do what you need.
Well, the answer is YES! The way you can do it is my going to the folder/directory you want to add your .log file and open up your terminal and just type "touch name.log" NOTE: I'm just putting a random 'name' as to show you a sample.