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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 13, 2010
the north, UK
Are there any good apps that are actually useful?
My wife’s Mac Pro is chocka full and every time I try to help, we argue.
Are there any apps she can use?


Nov 21, 2019
Ccleaner is the only cache wiping software I trust. Avoid anything with active monitoring. Apps will only do some much, though. Ultimately, you will probably need to invest in an external drive to offload files.

Vishal Chaudhary

Aug 16, 2020
Are there any good apps that are actually useful?
My wife’s Mac Pro is chocka full and every time I try to help, we argue.
Are there any apps she can use?
Go to Apple logo < About this Mac < Click Storage tab

Click Manage. You can declutter your Mac easily. Remember to backup before removing any data.


  • optimize-mac-storage.png
    31.8 KB · Views: 52


macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
I would STAY AWAY from "drive cleaning" products.

If the drive is getting full, it's almost certainly with data she's stored on it.
Does she keep a lot of movies on it?

The only way to approach this is to:
1. find out WHAT is taking up the space
2. decide what is "tossable" and what must be saved
3. get rid of as much of the non-essential stuff as possible.

Does she use time machine?
If so, are there "local snapshots" on the hard drive?

Here's a small, free utility that can SHOW YOU what is eating up that space:
Just download it and launch it.
Go to preferences and select "show invisible files". Close preferences.
You'll see what to do next.


macrumors regular
Mar 18, 2021
OmniDiskSweeper is an app by the Omni group that shows what consumes your disk space most. Unlike the built-in utility, App files and Caches are displayed as well.

It is simple, free, and has no in-app purchases.
Last edited:


macrumors 68030
Mar 17, 2010
OmniDiskCleaner is an app by the Omni group that shows what consumes your disk space most. Unlike the built-in utility, App files and Caches are displayed as well.

It is simple, free, and has no in-app purchases.
I think you mean OmniDiskSweeper. It is fine for a free app.

Are there any good apps that are actually useful?
The deluxe app for analysing what is consuming disk space is DaisyDisk. Highly recommended.

First find out what is consuming disk space and only then decide what to delete.
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