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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 30, 2014
Munich, Germany
Hi. I wonder which Apps are compatible to the Health-App. I know that the API is broken because of a bug, but I just want to know which Apps are interesting for people like me who want to collect their health data. MyFitnessPal seems very great for example. :cool:
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macrumors newbie
Apr 22, 2013
Carlisle, UK
i think since the API is broken, there aren't any apps actually working in it. i know in mine it has no sources being used and i have myfitnesspal, run keeper, breeze and nike plus on my phone in use. it's a shame as it's one of the features i was most looking forward to.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 30, 2014
Munich, Germany
I`m just looking for possible Healthbook Apps in the future. I didn`t know Breeze and Run kepper and just downloaded it, thanks. Maybe they`ll be soon compatible with Healthbook.


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2010
Atlanta, GA
I`m just looking for possible Healthbook Apps in the future. I didn`t know Breeze and Run kepper and just downloaded it, thanks. Maybe they`ll be soon compatible with Healthbook.

Nike+ Running, Nike Fuel, most likely apps such as Sleep Cycle will be integrated to share sleep data with Health. Lose it and other calorie tracking apps will likely be integrated as well.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 30, 2014
Munich, Germany
But how can I track my sleep as I actually don`t know when I`m sleeping and how long? Thought this would be a feature of the Apple Watch. :(


macrumors 65816
Jun 15, 2007
Isn't it just called ""?

Anyway, until more apps become compatible, I'm manually tracking my sleep by adding data from the menu. It's nifty thrifty.


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2010
Atlanta, GA
But how can I track my sleep as I actually don`t know when I`m sleeping and how long? Thought this would be a feature of the Apple Watch. :(

Certain apps, such as Sleep Cycle, track your sleep. You open the app, indicate that you are going to sleep and place the phone on the edge of your bed, near your pillow. It then records your movement throughout the night, and does analysis on the quality of sleep you had based on periods of time with no movement, little movement, or lots of movement. When you wake up, you pick up your phone and indicate that you are now up.

This data would then be fed to the health app to compile an overall picture of your quality of sleep. The app itself does this, but, the benefit of having it feed into the Health app is you could see your sleep data along with your other health data at once.

It's likely that when the Apple Watch is released, it too can track your sleep due to its Accelerometer and may negate the need for other such sleep apps.


macrumors 68000
Jun 19, 2007
Novi, MI
I have one that I created and have been using personally that helps me track my caffeine consumption. I've got a small database of caffeinated drinks (popular energy drinks, coffee, etc.) that I can then input when I consume one. It shows me daily, weekly, monthly, etc. caffeine consumption compared to the daily recommended limit. I have been toying with the notion of releasing it once the HealthKit issues get resolved by Apple


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 30, 2014
Munich, Germany
I have one that I created and have been using personally that helps me track my caffeine consumption. I've got a small database of caffeinated drinks (popular energy drinks, coffee, etc.) that I can then input when I consume one. It shows me daily, weekly, monthly, etc. caffeine consumption compared to the daily recommended limit. I have been toying with the notion of releasing it once the HealthKit issues get resolved by Apple

Looking forward to this! :)

@Tyler23: That sounds amazing. I'll try it, thanks.


macrumors regular
Jan 25, 2011
Is there any idea when the Health App will be ready to go. I tried to look and see but haven't seen anything. I am looking forward to having all of this data in one area.


macrumors 6502
Oct 20, 2011
Kansas City
I want:

Sleep Cycle
Plant Nanny

I'm not optimistic about Plant Nanny integration, and don't even see water intake in the data options.

Also, I'll be retiring my Fitbit once Apple Watch is released.
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macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
Charlotte, NC
Yes they need to get it fixed as soon as possible. Without it iOS 8 is pretty underwhelming to me as this was one of the features I was most looking forward to.


macrumors member
Sep 16, 2014
Ontario Canada
I'd like to see:

Jawbone Up
BodyMedia Fit

This is the one feature of iOS 8 that I was looking forward to, and of course, it doesn't work.:rolleyes:

It will be great to keep all my health oriented data in one place.
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