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macrumors 601
Original poster
Jun 30, 2005
Could never tell the difference between those two (Aqara & Mijia) neither do i understand, why they both have very similar accessories like the Temperature and Humidity sensors!
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It looks like the accessories for the Mijia are more rounded and the Aqara accessories are more squared off. The logos are different too. I use the Aqara stuff and they’ve been rock solid in HomeKit. Works really well as a self monitoring home security system and the accessories are very inexpensive in relation to the competition. I know the apps are interchangeable. I can use either the Aqara app or Mi Home app.
Thanks for replying, im sorry that i didn't specify what i mean by saying that i cant tell the difference. Im not referring to looks, but to ability and specs. And i am wondering how many accessories are available for each?
Thanks for replying, im sorry that i didn't specify what i mean by saying that i cant tell the difference. Im not referring to looks, but to ability and specs. And i am wondering how many accessories are available for each?
You can download the Aqara and Mi Home app for free and if you hit the + button to add an accessory, it will show you the whole list. Way too much to list. Cameras, lights, sensors of all sorts, curtain and shade controllers, etc... Keep in mind though that not all of the accessories are exposed to HomeKit yet but it seems like they keep expanding. I particularly like the motion sensors and door/window sensors which show in HomeKit. They’re about 15 bux/ea on Amazon as opposed to say an Eve or Fibaro which can be around 30-40/ea. Not to mention the Aqara/Mijia accessories are pretty small in size which make them more visually appealing.

Do you have any more specific questions? Been using them for a few months.
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What’s the case with the plug? Do they all need adapters to work? Personally I would prefer if they had directly a Euro-plug instead of their Chinese plug equivalent ;)
Ok... I live in the US. I’ve seen a few review videos online that featured a direct US plug and a link to Amazon (US region) for them so I knew they existed. Unfortunately, they were out of stock at that time so I clicked the button that said notify me when available on Amazon. Sure enough, a couple months after, I got the notification and snagged two Aqara Hub with US version plugs. They went like hot cakes though. Believe they were sold out in a day or two. I’m waiting for the next notification so I can grab another one.

I’m not 100% sure if there is a EU version, but check Amazon in your region. If they have a notify when available button, click it. I highly recommend these Hubs.
A quick search and I found this article. They’re out there 😉

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Don’t know what country you live in, but there’s a link in the above article to order them. It’s in Swedish I believe so I can’t read it lol
Thanks, but why choose Aqara oposed to Mijia or vice versa?
Thanks, but why choose Aqara oposed to Mijia or vice versa?
I’m not 100% sure if the Mijia Hub works with HomeKit as it’s not listed in the compatible Hubs list on the Apple website but Aqara is. I didn’t want to take a chance on that so I stuck with Aqara. Plus all the reviews and articles I watched and read referenced Aqara. I strictly use HomeKit supported products. Other than the logo, they appear identical but the accessories have a slightly different design. I can tell you though that Aqara products do work in both the Aqara app and Mijia Home app. However, I just use the Apple Home app after the initial setup. I believe they are sister companies but I think the Aqara is geared more towards any market outside of China and Mijia is geared more towards the Chinese market.
I didnt get that sorry, whats the case with Homekit and Apple?
Now im blushing 😊, yes, i had no idea it existed, at first i thought Xiaomi was the only thing around... now im confused too, where do i begin? I just wanted a humidity and temp monitoring for my house
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Ok, being this is an Apple HomeKit sub forum in Macrumors, I just assumed otherwise lol so I apologize for that.
Apple HomeKit is Apple’s framework for home accessories, scenes and automations. It’s like the Mi Home or Aqara app in the way it works and requires specific supported accessories.

If you planned on using either Mijia Home or Aqara solely as a stand-alone home automation app, that’s perfectly fine. Then it just becomes a matter of preference and/or availability in your region. From what I seen in research, they’re pretty much the same thing.
Just humidity and temp??? Sheesh hahaha and I was almost going to get into the technical things.

You can do that with a lot of sensors on the market without having to use a Hub.
No need for apologies, i guess im the one that should apologise for asking so much and not being aware of things. Im curious though, why should one that uses Apple, want to have Aqara or Mijia hardware?
Because Apple doesn’t have its own Home automation hardware. Everything that’s compatible with Apple HomeKit is third party hardware. Apple only supplies the framework.
Do you have this app on your iPhone?

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