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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 9, 2006
How do you guys archive your mail? I have mail going back to about a year ago and I think it's making Mail a bit sluggish.

I have all my mail in many folders, and I'm thinking about just mass-applying mail tags to them and sticking everything in one folder. Then again, will that actually make it any faster since it'll still be part of mail? I actually use many mail items dating back at least until the first of the year, so I want to keep all of this mail readily accessible.


mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
Okay, well I don't get any slowdown so long as my inbox isn't full. I use IMAP, but used to use POP3 and it shouldn't really make a difference in that sense.

If I were you, I'd create a new mailbox in Mail, put all your old emails into it. Drag the new Mailbox to the Desktop and it'll copy everything across. Now you can delete the new Mailbox and its emails. You'll have it backed up in the from of that folder on your Desktop. To get it back into Mail, if needed, use the Import Mailbox function in Mail's Find menu. :)
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