I see that many stores in LA have the Verizon iPhone X, and when buying it has the option to activate later. If I buy it full price will it be unlocked, or does it have to be activated with Verizon?
And tis the holiday season you have till 1/8/18 for any returns.Should work I guess, iStock site is down, has been since last night. I see another store in the Philly area have the X for pickup today...this option won't last long I think. To heck with it...I SAID I wasn't going to do this, but you only live once! I'll buy it...try it out for 13/14 days, if I don't like/love it..then I can return it. I can also transfer my AppleCare from 8+ to X..I suspect. I'll pay $50 more.
.....hmmmm, decisions, decisions.
(My evil side of my brain says "DO IT, MONEY IS NO OBJECT....DO IT NOW!")