Well... after 10h using my new Apple Silicon MacBook Pro 16GB/1TB, I really have to say, in more than 10 years no Mac disappointing me more. Yeah, of course it's fast, the battery life is awesome, to run iOS Apps is a funny feature. But there are a few things which really sucks and nobody told before.
If you are a user of SwitchResX to create custom screen resolutions, in my point 1920x1200HiDPI which I used since 2013, Apple does not allow this anymore. Yeah, I know - it was unsupported before, but there was a way to do it. Now Apple says "Nope, you dumb user, you spend over 2 grand and we like to force you to our preferred ways..." I mean, wtf?! Why I can use 2560x1600, but can't use 1920x1200 anymore. There is no really good reason for it and Graig told in an interview you're still allowed to tweak your system, which you've paid a lot. This is the point why I hate the device the most. All my joy about this new MacBook was completely destroyed. As if it wasn't enough that with the MacBook Pro you finally have to live with the, for a developer, useless touch bar.
Another point is, if you do not want features like SIP and/or Gatekeeper, you wont be able to use iOS Apps. Fair enough, another user in another thread told it could be because of piracy protection - okay, got it.
Sometimes bigger Apps e.g. Keynote takes about an half hour to install over AppStore. The download is pretty fast. With my 250MBit DSL connection I get 32MB/s down, but then the App stuck at "Installing" for a loooong, loooong time. Even my 2017 MBP base with an i5 does it quicker. Yes, it could be a temporary thing, but come on...
For me, I really don't know if I'll keep this device. At the moment it just feels wrong. Recently I had this feeling when my company forced me to use a Thinkpad with Windows. Don't get me wrong, I'm a Apple fanboy, I only use Apple devices for decades now, I missionize everyone I know to buy the iPhone instead of the crappy Android phone, the iPad instead of the Lenovo tablet etc. etc. Now seems to be the time when I start doubting my own preaching.
Why do I see these things, which are actually little things, so doggedly? Well, this is the first device with Apple's own CPU and besides temporary incompatibilities there are massive restrictions for the user, for his personal taste and everything has to be as Apple wants it to be - even more than before. I am afraid of the future of the Mac, the Mac that will probably be just an iPad with a keyboard... 🥲
Please Apple, please - please give us back a little bit of self-determination...