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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
If so, thats kind of confusing. Actually either way its confusing.

(Option 1) Pronounced "Ten S"
Apple tells us to pronounce the X (a letter) as a number and then the S (a letter) as a letter. Seems contradictory.

(Option 2) Pronounced "Ex S"
This would go back on their previous marketing attempt. In 2017 we pronounce it as a number but now in 2018 we pronounce it as a letter?

I'm guessing we'll go with Option 1 but either way I can see it confusing their consumers. I still to this day see people refer to it as the iWatch or the iTouch and it drives me crazy!
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
There's nothing confusing about XS being read as 10S. If people who are gainfully employed such as to be able to afford $1000 phones are confused by this, then all hope for humanity is completely lost.


What about the people that are gainfully employed to afford $10k digital watches that called it the iWatch? Sorry you made an embarrassingly stupid point.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
If so, thats kind of confusing. Actually either way its confusing.

(Option 1) Pronounced "Ten S"
Apple tells us to pronounce the X (a letter) as a number and then the S (a letter) as a letter. Seems contradictory.

(Option 2) Pronounced "Ex S"
This would go back on their previous marketing attempt. In 2017 we pronounce it as a number but now in 2018 we pronounce it as a letter?

I'm guessing we'll go with Option 1 but either way I can see it confusing their consumers. I still to this day see people refer to it as the iWatch or the iTouch and it drives me crazy!

X is a roman numeral, pronounced 10. What would be the difference from years past? The 6S was a number (6) and a letter (s). I think people will be fine. Either way, it's just a name and ultimate;y makes no difference.

now i see it

macrumors G4
Jan 2, 2002
The sooner  leaves Roman numerals behind it, the better. Look at the mess the Super Bowl is in.

The iPhone will always be read as "Ex" then the brain has to do a millisecond correction each damn time to translate it into "ten". Rubish naming scheme. Apple & it's love affair with the damn Roman numeral X. Enough already.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
This whole "we should all understand this" argument doesnt make sense to me. Though its very easy to understand for an Apple enthusiastic like me (and 99% of everyone on this forum), its best to realize that most people dont pay as close attention and constantly call the iPhone X the "Ex". If I were Apple, I would do everything I can to make sure people are pronouncing my product names correctly, seems like a big deal to me.


Nov 20, 2008
What about the people that are gainfully employed to afford $10k digital watches that called it the iWatch? Sorry you made an embarrassingly stupid point.

This whole "we should all understand this" argument doesnt make sense to me. Though its very easy to understand for an Apple enthusiastic like me (and 99% of everyone on this forum), its best to realize that most people dont pay as close attention and constantly call the iPhone X the "Ex". If I were Apple, I would do everything I can to make sure people are pronouncing my product names correctly, seems like a big deal to me.

Serious question - do you care what other people call it, or care that Apple should care? You're not Apple, and Apple is a trillion dollar company so I don't think they have anything to worry about. So to respond in kind, sorry you made an embarrassingly stupid thread.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
Serious question - do you care what other people call it, or care that Apple should care? You're not Apple, and Apple is a trillion dollar company so I don't think they have anything to worry about. So to respond in kind, sorry you made an embarrassingly stupid thread.

You ignored my first quote, nice. And considering that a large chunk of people fall into this mispronunciation trap, including employees at other electronic retail stores, I dont think debating pronunciation mistakes is a stupid thread. You can take your hate elsewhere.


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
Personally I think the nomenclature of the iPhone has been a shambles since the 5 (it was not the 5th phone and it has fallen apart since then). The X once again made sense, but we've been off more than we've been on l to me it's honestly whatever.
You ignored my first quote, nice. And considering that a large chunk of people fall into this mispronunciation trap, including employees at other electronic retail stores, I dont think debating pronunciation mistakes is a stupid thread. You can take your hate elsewhere.
I think the hate derives from how you're responding to people. That's my first inclination anyway.


Nov 20, 2008
You ignored my first quote, nice. And considering that a large chunk of people fall into this mispronunciation trap, including employees at other electronic retail stores, I dont think debating pronunciation mistakes is a stupid thread. You can take your hate elsewhere.

Um, no, no I did not. You posted three times in this thread prior to my last post (post 13) - the OP and two quotes, both of which were in my post.

But yes, I guess as pointed out, all you've done is proven my point that humanity is hopeless.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
No, you’ve proven his point.

I've proven his point, which was all hope for humanity was lost?

All hope from humanity is lost because people can't pronounce Apple's products correctly? Makes a lot of sense..
my point that humanity is hopeless.

Humanity is hopeless because they can't pronounce Apple's products? If that is where you bar is set for humanity, there are larger questions to ask here.


Nov 20, 2008
I've proven his point, which was all hope for humanity was lost?

All hope from humanity is lost because people can't pronounce Apple's products correctly? Makes a lot of sense..

Humanity is hopeless because they can't pronounce Apple's products? If that is where you bar is set for humanity, there are larger questions to ask here.

Yeah, in my day to day interactions I find that most people are complete, incompetent idiots at every level. So yes, there will be confusion with the name. But is it actually confusing? Not if you have any basic common sense, which so many people lack, so there you go.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 13, 2010
Yeah, in my day to day interactions I find that most people are complete, incompetent idiots at every level. So yes, there will be confusion with the name. But is it actually confusing? Not if you have any basic common sense, which so many people lack, so there you go.

That is kind of what I am getting at. Very few people call the iPad anything besides the iPad. Very few people call the AirPods anything besides AirPods. Many people call the iPhone X the iPhone "Ex" and the Apple Watch the "iWatch". If people were all across the board as stupid as you think, then you'd think they wouldn't get anything right at all, which in fact they do. It's select products they fail at. Which would then, be something that could be solved by the product name, not the people.


Jul 25, 2018
If so, thats kind of confusing. Actually either way its confusing.

(Option 1) Pronounced "Ten S"
Apple tells us to pronounce the X (a letter) as a number and then the S (a letter) as a letter. Seems contradictory.

(Option 2) Pronounced "Ex S"
This would go back on their previous marketing attempt. In 2017 we pronounce it as a number but now in 2018 we pronounce it as a letter?

I'm guessing we'll go with Option 1 but either way I can see it confusing their consumers. I still to this day see people refer to it as the iWatch or the iTouch and it drives me crazy!
Most people I know pronounce the X as "Ex" and I've been looked at funny when I pronounce it the proper way as ten.
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