Has your health improved since buying the Apple Watch?
Do you feel healthier, more athletic, more energetic?
Have you measured or been tracking some quantifiable health metric that has demonstrably improved since using the Apple Watch?
Just to be clear, owning an AW will not make you more healthier, but it could be used as a tool to help with certain things like workout tracking, steps, heart rate, etc., imo.
My story....
A along while ago, I was in the military, very healthy, fit, active, and a runner. I didn't eat healthy, but I had an athletic build, and if anything, I had trouble gaining mass.
For example, I am 5' 10", and weighed 118Lbs at the time of my enlistment. I really had trouble gaining any weight, but managed to fill out a bit after a few years.
I got hurt in Afghanistan and had a surgery on my knee. It is a long story, but basically the surgery failed, and I end up leaving the military because of it.
I gained 33lbs in the 90 days following my surgery. While doing physical therapy, I struggled to lose weight.
After leaving the military, I just continued to gain weight, about 6.5lbs a year for 12 years, so about 80 lbs on top of the 30lbs I gained following my surgery.
I got a bad blood test result in Oct 2019, the doctor saying that my A1C result was high (6.2%), and I need to take another test in 3 months to confirm I was diabetic.
I guess that scared me, so I started working out and eating (a little) healthier. I have a bad knee, so working out was difficult, but I managed to lose 15 pounds over about 6 months. I purchased my Apple Watch in March 2020, just prior to Covid, to assist me in getting healthier.
Oh yeah, my doctor rescheduled the appointment and Jan of 2020, for March 2020 to see him and get my blood work (VA doctors), so I didn't actually get my blood test until Sept 2020 due to Covid.
Covid happened, and by July I ended up gaining back almost all the weight I lost. This was with my Apple Watch being worn everyday.
I scheduled the blood test for Sept 2020, and in July 2020, I decided right then and there that I would lose some weight, and I changed my eating habits a lot, with a little bit of exercise, and I dropped 35Lbs from my heaviest on Sept 2020.
My A1C test came out good (5.7%), and I continued to lose weight, although not nearly as fast. As of a few hours ago when I weighed myself, I am exactly 50lbs less than my heaviest, and 48lbs less than I was in July 2020.
I plan on losing at least 20 more pounds by the end of the year, putting me under 200lbs.
I feel great, and stronger than ever due to the resistance training. I use my watch to help me keep track of my workouts, heart rate, and steps. I don't do running anymore due to the bad knee, but personally, I think resistance training is a much better way of losing weight and getting healthy, after making healthy food choices of course.
Bottom line: Having an Apple Watch did not make me healthier, and at a certain point, I actually got less healthy shortly after purchasing my first AW. I am sure that positive health changes would have happened regardless of owning an Apple Watch.
IMO, you can treat the Apple Watch as a tool to assist you living a healthier lifestyle, but the AW alone won't do crap.
The most important thing is eating right, I don't think the AW really impacts that at all. The second is being more active, which the AW could assist, but you have to want it.