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Original poster
Sep 21, 2012
In a van down by the river
Since signing up for one of the new unlimited plans offered by Verizon, AT&T, or T-Mobile, have you noticed a change in your usage patterns, whereby you are purposefully consuming more cellular data (just because you can)?

On my previous plan, I tried to keep my data around 500 +- MB a day. Since I switched to the unlimited plan, I have seen a big increase in my data usage. I am a week into my billing cycle and I have already used 14GB (combined phone and tethering) with 21 days left.
Sounds like the initial testing out the new plan. Your average usage will probably drop.
I had unlimited data since 2007 so my use hasn't changed.
I tend to still use wifi as long as its fast enough. And use carrier data when wifi is not available or it's slow or restricted.
I average about 20-30GB per month and that includes some tethering to iPads.
Sounds like the initial testing out the new plan. Your average usage will probably drop.
I had unlimited data since 2007 so my use hasn't changed.
I tend to still use wifi as long as its fast enough. And use carrier data when wifi is not available or it's slow or restricted.
I average about 20-30GB per month and that includes some tethering to iPads.
With my previous carrier (Sprint before last December) I had unlimited, albeit network speed was not good and it wasn't really practical to use cellular a lot of the time. Since that obstacle has been removed with my new carrier, getting good speed really isn't a problem, not to mention the tethering works flawlessly thus far.

I have 1GB fiber internet speed. However, a lot of the time it is a little more convent to reach for the phone and peruse the highway, than it is to get the laptop.
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Purposely? No.

Do I use my data because I am paying for cellular data despite having WiFi available almost everywhere?

You bet your ass I do.

UD since Christmas 2008 and I don't ever worry about my data.

And for those who may think I abuse it, I average less than 12GB a month.
With my previous carrier (Sprint before last December) I had unlimited, albeit network speed was not good and it wasn't really practical to use cellular a lot of the time. Since that obstacle has been removed with my new carrier, getting good speed really isn't a problem, not to mention the tethering works flawlessly thus far.

I have 1GB fiber internet speed. However, a lot of the time it is a little more convent to reach for the phone and peruse the highway, than it is to get the laptop.

Yes but you don't use your wifi when you're at home?
Mines the other way round ..I used to have unlimited data and used on average 4gb per month, I now have a 10gb limit and use an average of around 3gb per month. I tend to be on wifi though whenever possible (always at home etc).
Not all the time.

I have about 100mbps connection at home so it's decent. And also I like to use wifi calling when I'm in the basement to have perfect voice calls.
I don't just use carrier data just to see how much I can rack up or try to stick it to the company.
Wifi uses less battery also so whenever it makes sense I still use wifi.
I have about 100mbps connection at home so it's decent. And also I like to use wifi calling when I'm in the basement to have perfect voice calls.
I don't just use carrier data just to see how much I can rack up or try to stick it to the company.
Wifi uses less battery also so whenever it makes sense I still use wifi.
I'm in the same boat, 100meg connection at home and I never felt the need to to use mobile data just for the sake of it when it was unlimited just because I can.
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I have about 100mbps connection at home so it's decent. And also I like to use wifi calling when I'm in the basement to have perfect voice calls.
I don't just use carrier data just to see how much I can rack up or try to stick it to the company.
Wifi uses less battery also so whenever it makes sense I still use wifi.
I have GUDP from VZW and somedays I use LTE and somedays I use wifi. There are multiple wifi hotspots in my area, plus a corporate guest wifi network, meant to be used as such. I use the data when I'm travelling as it's much better than hotel wifi. I also use data when I take a car trip and stream to my car's bluetooth connection.

But I don't try to see how much data I can rack up.
I have GUDP from VZW and somedays I use LTE and somedays I use wifi. There are multiple wifi hotspots in my area, plus a corporate guest wifi network, meant to be used as such. I use the data when I'm travelling as it's much better than hotel wifi. I also use data when I take a car trip and stream to my car's bluetooth connection.

But I don't try to see how much data I can rack up.

I hear you.
Some hotel wifi networks are horrible, really slow and congested. Just like many public or open hotspots. In those situations it will annoy me to use them so I turn them off and stick with my fast LTE connection.
My work also has very fast guest wifi. Over 150mbps.
But they block pandora, YouTube and many other things on the company network so in that situation I switch back to LTE.
At home and friends and family wifi networks that have fast fios connections I use their wifi since it's very fast and unrestricted.
So it varies by location and how fast and unrestricted the network is for me.
I like to test out various networks like at coffee shops, the library, when visiting a restaurant.
Sometimes they're ok, most of the time are terrible and very slow:D
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Been averaging 60 to 80 gb/month for the past 5 years or so. T-Mobile rules.

I use a lot more wifi as of late due to poor reception where I live. Wifi calling rules. T-Mobile you rule.
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I've had unlimited with Cricket since they released the plan and I have everything set to download on cellular. I use around 20GB per month without really thinking about it.
Surrounded by wifi most of the day so no.

This. I have Frontier (formerly Verizon) FIOS at work and at home. Yes, I hopped on the Unlimited bandwagon the day it was available (I have 5 lines on my family plan - they're using about the same so far but I expect that to go up a bit). I think I've downloaded an app on LTE (for the first time in 5+ years) but that was about it.

My "data" resets tomorrow and I've used .85 GB (about normal for me).
This. I have Frontier (formerly Verizon) FIOS at work and at home. Yes, I hopped on the Unlimited bandwagon the day it was available (I have 5 lines on my family plan - they're using about the same so far but I expect that to go up a bit). I think I've downloaded an app on LTE (for the first time in 5+ years) but that was about it.

My "data" resets tomorrow and I've used .85 GB (about normal for me).

I mean, I can understand using WiFi if it's in fact much faster than your current cellular connection, but I'm in the camp of using what I pay for.

If you're paying a carrier for UD and you end up on WiFi all the time then just what have you paid the carrier money for? The majority of your data is handled by either free WiFi or WiFi you or other people pay someone else for. Your carrier just got money and provided you very little to show for it.

I'm just curious, not pushing an opinion or agenda. How people use their own UD is up to them
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I mean, I can understand using WiFi if it's in fact much faster than your current cellular connection, but I'm in the camp of using what I pay for.

If you're paying a carrier for UD and you end up on WiFi all the time then just what have you paid the carrier money for? The majority of your data is handled by either free WiFi or WiFi you or other people pay someone else for. Your carrier just got money and provided you very little to show for it.

I'm just curious, not pushing an opinion or agenda. How people use their own UD is up to them

My wife and my sister (on my family plan) use gigs and gigs of data (why I had the 24GB plan before UD) so I mostly did it for them. If it was just me, yeah, I'd be happy with 2GB/mo and still have tons of data left at the end of the month.

lol - I can see how that looks weird (my original post) to someone reading it - without the above explanation. Thanks :)

I can imagine now that I have UD, their usage will definitely go up.
I use my phone at home the most and it auto connects to my wifi whenever I walk onto the property. I haven't needed UL data in years and when I did have it it went under used by what I see others using. To use it just because it's there seems lame. There are other things to do.

I mean, I can understand using WiFi if it's in fact much faster than your current cellular connection, but I'm in the camp of using what I pay for.

If you're paying a carrier for UD and you end up on WiFi all the time then just what have you paid the carrier money for? The majority of your data is handled by either free WiFi or WiFi you or other people pay someone else for. Your carrier just got money and provided you very little to show for it.

I'm just curious, not pushing an opinion or agenda. How people use their own UD is up to them

I dont see the logic of getting your moneys worth or what are you paying the carrier for type of thing.
If wifi is available and fast unrestricted wifi why not use it and save yourself some battery life too?
I dont see it as your carrier got money and provided you with little service type of mentality but maybe its just me :D
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I dont see the logic of getting your moneys worth or what are you paying the carrier for.
If wifi is available and fast unrestricted wifi why not use it and save yourself some battery life too?
I dont see it as your carrier just got money and provided you with little service type of mentality but maybe its just me :D
We see it a little differently then. :)

I'm paying T-Mobile (damn, almost said Sprint!!!) for unlimited data. I pay Cox for my home internet. To me it would be like paying Cox for home internet and then tethering all my devices and my home network to my phone and using T-Mobile for internet.

As long as I've got a decent cellular connection I use cellular on my devices. My son though only has 2GB a month so I encourage him to use WiFi wherever he can find it. His 2GB/month is a large part of the reason I got two SyncUp Drives for our cars. He can use WiFi in the car and the plan on those devices is 6GB each with Data Stash so he doesn't have to worry about using his cellular data when around or in our cars.

As far as battery life, none of us really have any issues at all.

But we aren't using our devices for the kinds of activities I normally use computers for at home and work. At home my phone may be on cellular but the only data it's grabbing is the periodic updating it normally does (briefly checking for mail, weather updates, etc). I'm normally using my laptop or desktop at home. And at work I have access to computers all around me. So my phone still gets data the same way as at home.

Outside of work or home when I don't have access to my computers is when I use my devices for some of those things (web browsing, email, etc) so I expect to use my data for that.

Hence, I'm never really on WiFi.

Different takes I guess. But basically, I just don't like paying one provider for a specific service and then using a different provider for the service I already paid the first provider for. Just me.
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