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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 19, 2013
I can make a button make an image appear and disappear in a uiimage view.
i would like to make multiple images appear from a submenu.

the idea is
i want to make a pop up menu from the bottom of view controller that holds diff buttons when u press a button a corresponding image appears in the main view controller.
the images are like premade polaroids of fashiony dresses and shoes that u can put on ur "inspiration board"

i have been looking for the answer and it seems to be making an image array. possibly mutable so i can add more later.
is this correct?
i can't find any really good information on how to do the pop up that will interact with the main view controller.

any help will be greatly appreciated thanks !:apple:

*also i read about child views a little is this what the correct term would be for what im looking for?
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macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
If you're talking about an iPad app, you should use a UIPopover. Otherwise, you should open up a new UIView. However you open it, you should present it using a UICollectionView.


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 19, 2013
If you're talking about an iPad app, you should use a UIPopover. Otherwise, you should open up a new UIView. However you open it, you should present it using a UICollectionView.

awesome thanks ill look into that

its Iphone

thats the problem im having

how to connect that part with the view controller

i will read up on uicollection view!

thanks alot for the great tip!


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 19, 2013
so i checked out collection view
it looks cool for having a scroll view collection
but i can figure how to make it a sub menu pop up type menu.

does anyone have a tut
that might show how to set up a viewcontroller with a pop up menu

i found a similiar one on wenderlich site
but it was for ipad

ill keep searching and update on here


macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 19, 2013
I went with a uiscrollview and was able to make it hide and show just fine!

pretty happy it worked

thanks for the tips!

still reading up on other methods but that seemed to do the trick for now
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