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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 15, 2017
I've had my doubts about Face ID since its announcement, and I am still very skeptical if it will be as fast and convenient as Touch ID, but after reading and watching some reviews, I realized it has some very convenient features and benefits.

1. The phone can dim the screen when you are not looking at it to save battery life thanks to attention detection.

2. The lock screen can now be utilized. With Touch ID once you press the home button you go straight into the home screen, skipping the lock screen altogether.

3. With my 6s when a message comes in and I wanna read it I have to tap on the message and then scan my finger. Now with Face ID the phone is already unlocked so I just have to tap on the message. A 2-step process simplified to 1-step.

4. You can look at your phone and launch apps using Siri completely hands-free, as long as the phone is at an angle that allows it to read your face. Previously you would have to put your finger on the phone. It's a small thing but I see myself using this while playing my PS4.

5. Attention detection can also automatically lower notification sounds when you are looking at the screen.

6. To me this is the best one: notifications can be set to only show the contents when they recognize your face when set to private. Meaning now when you get a message or notification you can just glance over and read it, instead of having to log into your phone. This is the best of both worlds between privacy and convenience.

These are the ones I've been reading about so far. I'm sure app developers will find innovative ways to utilize this technology even more. I've been a big critic of the omission of Touch ID, so I thought I'll give some positives regarding this move.
4. You can look at your phone and launch apps using Siri completely hands-free, as long as the phone is at an angle that allows it to read your face. Previously you would have to put your finger on the phone. It's a small thing but I see myself using this while playing my PS4.

I like this a lot. I was excited to get the Hue Lighting system because I want to be like Picard and Riker and just say "Hey Siri, turn on the lights." I was really pissed off the first time I tried and she replied "You'll have to unlock your phone to do that." Having it unlock with a glance makes that easier. First world problems, I know, but I WANT TO PRETEND I'M ON THE ENTERPRISE-D!!

Also, I think I'll be able to control HomeKit through HomePod so maybe it's been solved twice now...
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Good points listed in your post. I look forward to seeing the potential and expansion of Face ID into the future, not just with security, but also how it will convenience us with the features that make the iPhone experience more seamless.
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All good points. I personally am looking forward to it. TouchID on my iPhone 6 has never been outstanding and I input my passcode 40% of the time. May be my own fault for not recalibrating but FaceID is preferential to me.
I like this a lot. I was excited to get the Hue Lighting system because I want to be like Picard and Riker and just say "Hey Siri, turn on the lights." I was really pissed off the first time I tried and she replied "You'll have to unlock your phone to do that." Having it unlock with a glance makes that easier. First world problems, I know, but I WANT TO PRETEND I'M ON THE ENTERPRISE-D!!

Also, I think I'll be able to control HomeKit through HomePod so maybe it's been solved twice now...

That’s strange because I use hey Siri all the time to control my hue bulbs. Have never had it make me unlock first.
Agree with OP.
Will obviously have to wait real tests and try for myself, but things that have changed my mood are:

- Possibility to disable attention detection for unlocking, which i expect to increase speed / reliability A LOT (i'm not concerned this much about the security trade off on this)...

- ...while still retaining the "attention features", which i hope means that i can get all those nifty attention features that i was completely unaware of and that i believe will slowly but steadily enrich the User Experience (up to the point that in a year it will be impossible to go back).
I've actually never used notifications as of today for messages etc., this thing could change it.

So overall yes, good job guys, my friends were right: "you're gonna end up buying it, you know it, don't lie to yourself".
That’s big of you. (I mean that, no snark.)

I’ve been excited for Face ID from the beginning, but reading about it’s been implemented brings it to a whole new level, IMO.

I try my best to be fair. I criticize Apple a lot because I hold them to higher standards than other companies. One could call it tough love.;)
And keep in mind this is just the first generation. I can only imagine by next year they'll have refined it even more, like we've seen happen with Touch ID.
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And keep in mind this is just the first generation. I can only imagine by next year they'll have refined it even more, like we've seen happen with Touch ID.

This is exactly what I was saying in another post earlier today. Face ID will only get better from here. We know Apple will continue to improve it, but being a first generation product, Apple will be monitoring very closely to see what the users reaction and experiences over the course of the next eight months.
And keep in mind this is just the first generation. I can only imagine by next year they'll have refined it even more, like we've seen happen with Touch ID.
This is exactly what I was saying in another post earlier today. Face ID will only get better from here. We know Apple will continue to improve it, but being a first generation product, Apple will be monitoring very closely to see what the users reaction and experiences over the course of the next eight months.

It will only get better, but I think it’s gonna take a couple of years before they give us the next gen. Other companies are still playing catch-up in this area.
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