Dear so n so, Thank you for your recent iPhone purchase at the Apple Online Store.While processing your iPhone order, we encountered an issue with yourAT&T account. According to AT&Ts records, you are no longer eligiblefor the price indicated on your iPhone order. Your order has beencanceled and you have not been charged.If you think youve received this message in error, please contact AT&Tat 1-800-331-0500. To place a new iPhone order using your currenteligibility, please visit If you reply to this emailwith your new Apple order number, we will process your order as quicklyas possible.SincerelyThe Apple Online Store
I should note that I first ordered from at& at midnight, did not like the 3-4 week shipping date and was able to pre order the iPhone 6plus on for release day delivery. I canceled my order from at&t the following morning, and the rep said it was removed from my account!
I should note that I first ordered from at& at midnight, did not like the 3-4 week shipping date and was able to pre order the iPhone 6plus on for release day delivery. I canceled my order from at&t the following morning, and the rep said it was removed from my account!