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macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Central MN
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)
The reason I like Consumer Reports is that they are completely unbiased. They don't accept money or products from suppliers or manufactures so they aren't persuaded by them.
You are absolutely certain they have never taken a bribe, or some sort of persuasive offering?

Anywho... I haven't really cared much for CR, not saying I hate them, but there lack of research or proper mention of radio transmission degradation ( attenuation ) for all RF transmitting / receiving devices when bashing the iPhone 4 seemed a bit too ignorant to me. My VERY first, extremely basic, cell phone from 9 years ago had a label warning of the effect. Seems like a huge oversight; just saying.
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 4, 2008
Sorry AT&T haters, but I have NEVER had issues with their service or call quality. For the record, I have tried Verizon with two different Droid phones and ATT with both iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. No difference noticed between the carriers, but the smartphone differences are major: the iPhones: leave all others in the dust. And I'm guessing when Verizon get's iPhone, AT&T's service will become even better and Verizon's will decline under heavy usage. Have fun "Big Red" fanboys. :apple:

You either live under a cell tower or in the middle of nowhere. I'm happy to hear your network works so well in Iowa. In California and NYC, it's a different story.


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Central MN
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)
It only sucks in San Francisco, New York, Los Angeles, and any other city worth living in.

I hear it's great in Minnesota and Iowa.
Despite the terrible winter weather conditions, normally, no MN bashing. Go Purple!


Despite some T-Mobile coverage and recent AT&T expansion Verizon holds the biggest candle here. Why? Mainly only due to the acquisition of ( former ) Cellular 2000 ( ) -- which I began cell phone use with. Cellular 2000 invested a lot -- at the time -- to create the best MN ( statewide ) and nearby coverage possible. They even mRkwted highly near the end of their demise.

VZ has the best coverage in MN, no doubt. Sprint is quite terrible, followed by T-Mobile, I think -- Haven't used fhe latter two extensively. Despite AT&T having some notable dead spots in fhe more rural towns, I really don't have a major complaint. That could also be that I'm not one to ALWAYS be talking and testing - creepy excessive virtual social life :-D. Any reasonably populated city has very good GSM coverage.

Finally, maybe "knock on wood" -- I am a bit surprised considering the amount of customer service I've dealt with over thr years -- that I have zero problems with AT&T or Apple customer assistance / staff. Want to talk terrible CS, oh, let's see, Qwesr, HP, Dell, Microsoft, etc.

Most of these are my experiences and opinions, where, let's face it, mist things are extremely subjective.

That's my length tale. :)
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macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Central MN
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)
I still don't get why AT&T is the only carrier for the iPhone in the US. Almost every other country has multiple carriers and it's working great. The iPhone being American, it should have the most flexibility in its home country. I think there's some very stupid contract behind this.
Simple reason, most of the world is normally okay with standards, ahem the metric system, we Americans are too good -- should I say greedy? -- for that. Any reason do you think quad-band GSM cellular handsets are many times referred to as "world" phones? Which is why, despite willingness to stick with AT&T, I am hoping -- likely in pure fantasy -- that all carriers in the U.S. will adopt LTE and we can all share. :) "Happy World"
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macrumors newbie
Aug 12, 2010
Cell Phone Carriers

These cell phone carriers carry a sense of pride in their disastrous customer service. Only car salesman and auto-dealers approach their level of ambivalence to making customers happy.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 3, 2008
I use my iPhone for business calls and it's getting to the point where it's rare that I get through a call without it dropping. It's embarrassing!

I got a 3G Microcell to try to help with the issues, but it's so buggy that it almost makes matters worse.

AT&T has always had lousy network reliability, they charge you extra for text messaging, they were among the last in the world to support tethering (again for an extra charge) and MMS on the iPhone, their tech support is terrible, etc.

I can't wait till more carriers get the iPhone. I envy the Europeans whose carriers were prepared for iPhone: they had no AT&T-esque problems with their networks!


macrumors 6502
Dec 4, 2008
AT&T is not very good around where I live. The closest 3G is 3-4 hrs away and edge isnt very fast.

Voice is about the same as other providers in the area, hit or miss.


macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2008
Why does MacRumors give any credence to Consumer Reports? While the facts in the survey could be correct, always consider the source. For over two decades, Consumer Reports has been on a mission to destroy Apple. In report after report, Consumer Reports has always either slammed or ignored Apple completely when ranking various computers and products.

Do you enjoy your job at Consumer's Digest?

Because I can't think of any other reason you would lie about something so easily verified.


macrumors 68000
Sep 24, 2008
Boon Docks USA
AT&T sucks, I only have them because of the iPhone. :apple:

Not even worth it, even for an iPhone. Had them years back. Was good for awhile but got to the point of having way to many drop calls, had to dump them. To many cell phones choking their out dated system. If they would spend the money to upgrade, could be different. Verizon will start to choke if they get to many too unless their 4G service takes some of the load off.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 1, 2010
That just shows that a toy is more important than your phone calls. :p

You won't believe how many people buy the iPhone because of the phone, and not AT&T. (Actually I think that's most of us here?)

Funny story, AT&T had no cover in the Apple store I bought iPhone from, and yet the phones were selling like hot cakes.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 23, 2008
Dig deeper into the Survey

Survey occured in Sept 2010. What was the big news in Sept. 2010? The iPhone 4 antenna problem. Perception is reality to many.


macrumors 6502
Feb 1, 2009
I know many make a big deal out of half of AT&T's smartphone users being iPhone owners, blaming the iPhone for the bandwidth issues.

But let's look at it from another angle.
If AT&T were to lose exclusivity, that's an awful lot of your customers paying top-dollar that could walk.
Some could suggest that AT&T may only have that 50% of its customers because they have exclusivity.

I'm sure that in a great many areas, AT&T is fine, but the CR survey shows that for every 1 user who posts a "I'm happy" there may be 5 who can't wait to get out of their contract.

When exclusivity ends and the so-called iPhone-using bandwidth-guzzlers spread around the networks, it'll probably only help everyone. Of course, the week the exclusivity ends I'll expect to see AT&T proudly announcing that they're recently invested something like $1bn on improving their 3G network. Hidden in the small print will be that this will be invested over the next 20 years and $800m of it went to the directors pension funds. Forgive me if I'm cynical - good companies go bad, bad companies go bust.


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2003
Central MN
You've made a valid point but -- sorry to pick you out of all this -- there's something many are missing.

Even after three years, it's not that easy to expand and upgrade their network as quickly as the iPhone and the number of iPhone users have put stress on it. YES, I do agree that AT&T probably could do more BUT that's not to say they've done nothing. Apple didn't see this level of success coming -- of course, they hoped for it -- and the same goes for AT&T. Bring on the App Store and you've added even more the iPHone can do.

Of course, the iPhone pushed products like Android to come out, which also add to the network stress, it's no longer a smartphone but really a portable computer and even gaming console.

ANYWHO... To think this is going to be fixed overnight is a pretty big fantasy.

With all of that said, I still have my doubts VZ's network would survive the iPhone onslaught but even if it does, they've had a lot of time watching AT&T struggle to learn things and a lot more time to prep. So, it still isn't a fair argument. AT&T had to be the guinea pig and, my guess is, VZ and other carriers aren't overly disappointed to have missed out on that experiment.


macrumors newbie
Dec 7, 2010
All cell phone carriers suck

I've had cell phones for more than twenty years. Service has always sucked, whether AT&T, Verizon, US Singular, Celluar One, or Sprint. As for the other providers, I've asked family and friends - nobody is happy, just too cynical to try another carrier unless a new phone draws them away. I'm currently with ATT for the iPhone and roll-over minutes - I don't bother seeking credit for bad/dropped calls. Verizon did not seem to give a rip when we moved to ATT after eleven years. That's when I realized the carriers are too tired to stop customers from walking, and they know there's no such thing as good cell service, so there's a chance for return business when a new phone comes out.


macrumors 604
Jan 21, 2002
Langley, Washington
I still don't get why AT&T is the only carrier for the iPhone in the US. Almost every other country has multiple carriers and it's working great. The iPhone being American, it should have the most flexibility in its home country. I think there's some very stupid contract behind this.

Two reasons, Technology and money. While I buy that at some point Apple considered making a CDMA iPhone (for Verizon), it was Verizon's greed (wanting to control all aspects of the phone, and using their interface) that ultimately caused Apple to go with Cingular. Cingular uses GSM, which is a world standard for Voice and Data. T-Mobile USA also uses this technology. However, moving to 3G (HDPA), at&t was able to use the world frequencies, whereas T-Mobile went with AWS (1700Mhz), which is not used other places in the world, they bought this spectrum at auction, so they could have their own network that it would not have to share with other providers. However, most phone manufacturers have not included AWS support in their phones, which is why the iPhone cannot operate in 3G on T-Mobile's system. Verizon, Sprint, and US Cellular (which should not be counted because it is not a true nation-wide system) all use CDMA, which is a direct decendent of the original AT&T AMPS cellular network. GSM operates very differently, so when AT&T Wireless, SBC Wireless, and VoiceStream (the predecessors of at&t Mobility and T-Mobile) switched to the world standard for digital phones, it was a huge investment, that GTE Mobility/AirTouch Cellular and Sprint PCS (the former being the predecessor of Verizon) were not willing to undergo, so they went with CDMA. In most other countries, the Government mandated both the use of world standards, and interoperability. Because there has not been that mandate in the US (or Canada), it is taking longer to get to a point where the iPhone, or any other phone, will function on any network.



macrumors P6
While I buy that at some point Apple considered making a CDMA iPhone (for Verizon), it was Verizon's greed (wanting to control all aspects of the phone, and using their interface) that ultimately caused Apple to go with Cingular.

Greed? Control?

Unlike any other phone maker, Apple wanted: royalties, all the income from media downloads, total control over warranty decisions, to choose resellers, to prevent subsidies, and even wanted to get the name and credit info on every single customer at activation.

Ironically, a few years later Apple no longer gets royalties, subsidies are allowed, and even Verizon's resellers like Walmart and Best Buy sell the iPhone. So a lot of old barriers are now gone.

Verizon, Sprint, and US Cellular (which should not be counted because it is not a true nation-wide system) all use CDMA, which is a direct decendent of the original AT&T AMPS cellular network.

No. It had no relationship to AMPS.

CDMA was one of the highest tech digital cellular standards at the time. So much so, that the GSM standard later added their own version of CDMA radios to obtain 3G capabilities.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
Why does MacRumors give any credence to Consumer Reports?

Because they are a consumer oriented unbiased (yes you heard me right, UNBIASED) organization that deserves the praise and respect of every single Apple fanatic on here. For where would the enraged fanatic be without someone to target and cry and moan about??? :D

While the facts in the survey could be correct, always consider the source. For over two decades, Consumer Reports has been on a mission to destroy Apple.

On a mission to destroy Apple? :rolleyes: Only a fanatic would think that Apple is so darn important that Consumer Reports would be on a "mission" to destroy them. To any normal, intelligent logical person, the very idea that a consumer oriented magazine would go out of their way to pick on one specific company that had almost zero relevance in the 1990s is just downright ludicrous but to the Apple fanatic who believes their entire world revolves around Apple and that Apple is the most important company on the entire planet Earth, if not the entire known Universe, well, it's all too obvious that Consumer Reports is out to get them any time they don't give them a perfect glowing review! :rolleyes:

In report after report, Consumer Reports has always either slammed or ignored Apple completely when ranking various computers and products.

Yes, giving the iPhone 4 the highest rating of any smart phone in the history of the Planet Earth was simply unacceptable to fanatics. They must also ignore all defects and remain silent about them or the ire of the fanatic will insist their reviews are garbage, their articles worthless and their magazine incredibly biased against Apple.... :rolleyes:

In the "Antennagate" (God, I hate that term)

ROTFLMAO. Antennagate??? LOL. I cannot believe there even is such a term for only a fanatic could turn a friendly warning about a known real problem in an otherwise near perfect praise review into some world-wide conspiracy to destroy Apple. :eek: :eek: :eek:

, Consumer Reports tried to paint Apple as the only company whose products had a possible attenuation problem. They flat out lied about many aspects, and when proven wrong and caught in their lies, Consumer Reports never retracted their assertions, knowing full-well that the damage had already been done.

Please. Stop. They ARE the only ones with a major antenna problem and this is a direct result of them putting the antenna right where your left hand would cover it holding the phone naturally. There is any number of other spots on the side, bottom and even the top where the antenna would not have been covered by simply holding the phone. Previous iPhones did not use that location and the head engineer warned Steve Jobs about the problem ahead of time and Steve ignored him. In short, Apple got what Apple deserved for ignoring their own engineers.

It would not surprise me if these purveyors of a beige, dull, unfriendly world that is Consumer Reports is on the take from Apple competitors. I sense that

OMG. Now they're on the take from Apple competitors.... What a warped twisted little world fanaticism creates in people's minds.

If you get the impression that I have long loathed Consumer Reports, you guessed right. So please, MacRumors, don't give these cork-soaking bastiches any links or clicks. You only empower them.

No, there is nothing wrong with Consumer Reports. It is the crazed wide-eyed FANATIC that MacRumours should be shunning, not Consumer Reports. I've never read such baseless accusations in my entire life. The sad thing is that there are REAL problems in this world that actually deserve attention and complaints. Consumer Reports not worshiping Apple and its trade partners and/or support companies is not important or a big deal in the grand scheme of things is just slightly less important than the woman who spilled coffee on herself at McDonalds and then sued them for selling hot coffee. (BTW AT&T *IS* very poor in customer service and satisfaction and got endless complaints on these very forums for their slow service, lack of 3G coverage, etc. so as far as I can tell the Consumer Reports article is right on the money.) But as always, if you don't like them, don't buy their magazine. It's as simple as that.

cocky jeremy

macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
This study is stupid. On average the coverage and quality of the coverage where I live is the same between AT&T and Versizon. And how the hell do you have poor texting? I type it, hit send, and it goes. What beyond that is there to rate?

On average, AT&T drops 1 more call per 1,000 than the cellphone carrier leader. There's really no difference between any of them. They all suck pretty evenly.


macrumors newbie
Aug 7, 2009

I had Verizon and switched to AT&T for the iPhone and I havent had many issues, not as great of coverage when im traveling around Ohio but I dont travel that much. (even though there was never a time when I didnt have service with Verizon)
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