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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 5, 2012
New York, NY
I purchased an iPhone 6 full retail price from Radioshack on launch day. I requested to have it unlocked through AT&T's website and received the approval email the following day. I followed the steps to have it unlocked, but for some reason it just doesn't unlock. I've tried twice and nothing. The email states that after restoring it will be unlocked and a message saying "Congratulations your iPhone is unlocked" would appear on iTunes, but the only thing that comes up is to set my iPhone as new or to restore from backup *which i did* Any ideas as to why I'm having such difficulty unlocking my device?


macrumors 6502
Jul 5, 2010
I purchased an iPhone 6 full retail price from Radioshack on launch day. I requested to have it unlocked through AT&T's website and received the approval email the following day. I followed the steps to have it unlocked, but for some reason it just doesn't unlock. I've tried twice and nothing. The email states that after restoring it will be unlocked and a message saying "Congratulations your iPhone is unlocked" would appear on iTunes, but the only thing that comes up is to set my iPhone as new or to restore from backup *which i did* Any ideas as to why I'm having such difficulty unlocking my device?

Try with a non-AT&T sim.


macrumors 601
Jan 11, 2007
North Central Florida
There is a website you can go to to check to see if it unlocked - google to find it.

When we unlocked my daughters 4s last fall we never got the message in iTunes either, checked with the website, and it showed unlocked and then popped a t-mo sim in and it worked.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2010
I tried with a Sprint sim and a message appeared on my phone saying that the sim wasn't compatible because its from a different carrier.

Might be because the AT&T version can't be used on Sprint due to incompatibilities. Try a T-Mobile SIM card and do the restore to see if it works then. Note the 'Unlocked" message doesn't always pop up.
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