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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 13, 2008
My wife and I are on the Next 12 plan. We get a new iPhone every year. The procedure to return the old ones to AT&T is to print shipping labels provided by email, box them up separately, attach the labels, drop them off at USPS, and get a receipt.

The last two years AT&T has managed to "lose" one of the phones. I somehow got this cleared up last year, but this year has been a nightmare and so far is still unresolved.

It starts with text messages from AT&T saying "We have not received your trade-in. If we do not receive it we will add the cost of the new phone to your bill" or something along those lines. Then, a $1000 charge shows on my bill (apparently they bill you the cost of the new phone, not the remaining value of the old one).

So I contacted AT&T via chat. I provided tracking numbers, and indicated that I have a USPS receipt. We go round and round with a dozen questions, most of which demonstrate a failure to grasp the issue on their part, then after they exhaust all their options, they have to transfer me to Customer Care to resolve it. I wait on hold for another 30 minutes. Customer Care asks me all the same questions all over again, then files a case for me and says "don't worry, it will be resolved". Two week later, the charge is still on my bill. I contact them again. Once again, I have to answer a bunch of questions with long waits in between. Then they say "we see the case you filed, but it was denied". After another half-hour on the phone, they conclude the prior person I spoke to filed the case wrong. So they have filed a new one. I'm still waiting to see if this works.

The USPS tracking numbers indicate both phones were transferred to the "returns agent" on the same day. Digging around online, I found out the returns agent that AT&T uses is Newgistics. They have their own tracking page. I put the USPS tracking numbers in, and both phones return the same result: that the package was delivered to AT&T in Texas. AT&T says they received one but not the other.

A quick Google search found that dozens of AT&T customers are reporting similar issues on the AT&T customer service forums. Reports date back to 2015. Some people have given up and paid the charge after multiple attempts and many hours spent on the phone. Many of these posters say that they have the receipt, tracking numbers, everything, but AT&T simply doesn't care about any of that.

Anyone else having this problem?

I would switch networks in a heartbeat, but we get a discount because of where my wife works, and we have two elderly family members on our account. It's just too much hassle to switch.

But I'm pretty certain I'm going to stop using Next and just do the financing through Apple in the future. I can't deal with this anymore. It's taking way too much of my time.
My wife and I are on the Next 12 plan. We get a new iPhone every year. The procedure to return the old ones to AT&T is to print shipping labels provided by email, box them up separately, attach the labels, drop them off at USPS, and get a receipt.

The last two years AT&T has managed to "lose" one of the phones. I somehow got this cleared up last year, but this year has been a nightmare and so far is still unresolved.

It starts with text messages from AT&T saying "We have not received your trade-in. If we do not receive it we will add the cost of the new phone to your bill" or something along those lines. Then, a $1000 charge shows on my bill (apparently they bill you the cost of the new phone, not the remaining value of the old one).

So I contacted AT&T via chat. I provided tracking numbers, and indicated that I have a USPS receipt. We go round and round with a dozen questions, most of which demonstrate a failure to grasp the issue on their part, then after they exhaust all their options, they have to transfer me to Customer Care to resolve it. I wait on hold for another 30 minutes. Customer Care asks me all the same questions all over again, then files a case for me and says "don't worry, it will be resolved". Two week later, the charge is still on my bill. I contact them again. Once again, I have to answer a bunch of questions with long waits in between. Then they say "we see the case you filed, but it was denied". After another half-hour on the phone, they conclude the prior person I spoke to filed the case wrong. So they have filed a new one. I'm still waiting to see if this works.

The USPS tracking numbers indicate both phones were transferred to the "returns agent" on the same day. Digging around online, I found out the returns agent that AT&T uses is Newgistics. They have their own tracking page. I put the USPS tracking numbers in, and both phones return the same result: that the package was delivered to AT&T in Texas. AT&T says they received one but not the other.

A quick Google search found that dozens of AT&T customers are reporting similar issues on the AT&T customer service forums. Reports date back to 2015. Some people have given up and paid the charge after multiple attempts and many hours spent on the phone. Many of these posters say that they have the receipt, tracking numbers, everything, but AT&T simply doesn't care about any of that.

Anyone else having this problem?

I would switch networks in a heartbeat, but we get a discount because of where my wife works, and we have two elderly family members on our account. It's just too much hassle to switch.

But I'm pretty certain I'm going to stop using Next and just do the financing through Apple in the future. I can't deal with this anymore. It's taking way too much of my time.
I don’t blame you! You can’t return the phone to an AT&T store? My girlfriend is on the Next plan and every year she just goes to the AT&T store gets the new phone and they take her old one.
I don’t blame you! You can’t return the phone to an AT&T store? My girlfriend is on the Next plan and every year she just goes to the AT&T store gets the new phone and they take her old one.

Last I checked you could not, at least not while preordering the new iPhone. Maybe once the new iPhone is in regular stock then you can.
I posted about the same thing I called with the tracking number over and over for months before they finally charged me then I called called some more one person said they would search the warehouse. That was worse they found the phone the phone then returned it saying I sent it late. The problem was once it was found on dec 3 all the previous tracking info from the post office was deleted. I had screenshots of earlier tracking info and that service shows I made the label on sep 18th. I finally got authorization to return the phone again and it just made it to Texas still waiting to see what happens.
I posted about the same thing I called with the tracking number over and over for months before they finally charged me then I called called some more one person said they would search the warehouse. That was worse they found the phone the phone then returned it saying I sent it late. The problem was once it was found on dec 3 all the previous tracking info from the post office was deleted. I had screenshots of earlier tracking info and that service shows I made the label on sep 18th. I finally got authorization to return the phone again and it just made it to Texas still waiting to see what happens.

Wow. They shipped it back and made you start over??

This does NOT give me confidence that my process will end well. I do not understand why they are making this so hard.
You would honestly be better off selling the old phones on Craigslist or Facebook that’s what I do and you usually get more money and not have to deal with AT&T’s bullsh**
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You would honestly be better off selling the old phones on Craigslist or Facebook that’s what I do and you usually get more money and not have to deal with AT&T’s bullsh**

It is starting to appear that way. Though the very reason I went with AT&T Next was for convenience and to avoid the BS associated with selling on eBay or Craigslist. Seems I can't win.
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What a nightmare! I have used NEXT in the past but always paid off the phone prior to the release of the next generation. This time I did not, and went through the process of returning the phone to AT&T at their Texas depot.....and it was a nail-biter all the way. I did not relax until I actually finally did get a text from them informing me that they'd received my iPhone 7 Plus, it was in good condition just as I had stated, I owed no more on it, and I did not need to do anything further. Whew.....!! In the meantime I had seen others' descriptions of major issues and I have already decided that when the time comes for the next iPhone release, that I will scrape together the money to pay off my iPhone X so that I will not have to go through this scenario again. Once was enough!
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They pulled the same exact scam on me, and my parents, this fall when we traded in our iPhone 7+. We had tracking confirmation that the phones were sitting at their return facility within three days of receiving our new phones, yet they kept texting us that they never received the old phones. Luckily the phones eventually ended up back at our houses about a month later, and then we had to wait another month to unlock, then we sold them on eBay for a small profit. So it wasn’t devestating and worked out somewhat better in the end, but the stress that company put us through was ********.
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Currently in the same boat as you! They received my phone roughly two weeks before it was due, texted me on Christmas Eve to say they didn't receive it, I immediately called and was told "It's probably in the center and being processed, we will let you know when it is processed." Shipping information shows they received it roughly the day after I sent it in.

BAM, at my doorstep this morning with a note saying that they didn't receive it in time.
Had this problem the last two years! The first year I had to ship my phone back FIVE times before they accepted it. Last year it was only twice. Next year going through Apple's update program.
Wow. They shipped it back and made you start over??

This does NOT give me confidence that my process will end well. I do not understand why they are making this so hard.
it was a battle to even get the return authorization. its better lost but you need to have the tracking number. they got it friday I will see what happens. you may have to pay for the phone till it gets worked out. here is the tracking place.
I wanted to send the second one express mail but there is no address to send it too.
Currently in the same boat as you! They received my phone roughly two weeks before it was due, texted me on Christmas Eve to say they didn't receive it, I immediately called and was told "It's probably in the center and being processed, we will let you know when it is processed." Shipping information shows they received it roughly the day after I sent it in.

BAM, at my doorstep this morning with a note saying that they didn't receive it in time.
Had this problem the last two years! The first year I had to ship my phone back FIVE times before they accepted it. Last year it was only twice. Next year going through Apple's update program.
the problem is the post office holds it till it is picked up by a agent mine got stuck there from sep 29 till the third of December. but the early tracking info got deleted by the post office so it looked like I sent it in late.
In my case all the evidence suggests that it arrived at AT&T. So I’m assuming an employee of theirs either failed to scan it in or stole it, and that it will probably never be located.

It absolutely galls me that they are making the customer liable for what happens to the phone after it leaves our hands and is being shipped though their system, totally outside our control.
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Through post office, it shows my drop off date of 2 weeks prior. Through their white-label return service, it shows it made it to their warehouse a week early so my situation is similar to Red's - which means it sat with AT&T for days before getting scanned and rejected.

Each time I've got them to remove the charges so I can pay my bill, thankfully. No way am I putting money down for something that is their mistake. I feel the chances that I'll see that back are slim.
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The dilemma is if I don’t pay, it goes to collections or service shut-off. If I do pay, then like you said I’ll probably never see it again. And we’re talking about $1000 here.
My wife and I are on the Next 12 plan. We get a new iPhone every year. The procedure to return the old ones to AT&T is to print shipping labels provided by email, box them up separately, attach the labels, drop them off at USPS, and get a receipt.

The last two years AT&T has managed to "lose" one of the phones. I somehow got this cleared up last year, but this year has been a nightmare and so far is still unresolved.

It starts with text messages from AT&T saying "We have not received your trade-in. If we do not receive it we will add the cost of the new phone to your bill" or something along those lines. Then, a $1000 charge shows on my bill (apparently they bill you the cost of the new phone, not the remaining value of the old one).

So I contacted AT&T via chat. I provided tracking numbers, and indicated that I have a USPS receipt. We go round and round with a dozen questions, most of which demonstrate a failure to grasp the issue on their part, then after they exhaust all their options, they have to transfer me to Customer Care to resolve it. I wait on hold for another 30 minutes. Customer Care asks me all the same questions all over again, then files a case for me and says "don't worry, it will be resolved". Two week later, the charge is still on my bill. I contact them again. Once again, I have to answer a bunch of questions with long waits in between. Then they say "we see the case you filed, but it was denied". After another half-hour on the phone, they conclude the prior person I spoke to filed the case wrong. So they have filed a new one. I'm still waiting to see if this works.

The USPS tracking numbers indicate both phones were transferred to the "returns agent" on the same day. Digging around online, I found out the returns agent that AT&T uses is Newgistics. They have their own tracking page. I put the USPS tracking numbers in, and both phones return the same result: that the package was delivered to AT&T in Texas. AT&T says they received one but not the other.

A quick Google search found that dozens of AT&T customers are reporting similar issues on the AT&T customer service forums. Reports date back to 2015. Some people have given up and paid the charge after multiple attempts and many hours spent on the phone. Many of these posters say that they have the receipt, tracking numbers, everything, but AT&T simply doesn't care about any of that.

Anyone else having this problem?

I would switch networks in a heartbeat, but we get a discount because of where my wife works, and we have two elderly family members on our account. It's just too much hassle to switch.

But I'm pretty certain I'm going to stop using Next and just do the financing through Apple in the future. I can't deal with this anymore. It's taking way too much of my time.

THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME! I made a post about it too. UGH so frustrating! It took them MONTHS to remove the charge from my bill for the phone they claimed they didn't have. Every time I called I got a different story.
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The same thing happened to BOTH the phones I sent! I'm in the process of filing arbitration charges against AT&T and filing a charge in small claims court in my town, and also complaining to the Better Business Bureau. It would be great to get a petition and a bunch of people to collaborate that have been screwed over by this and file a class action lawsuit.
i am glad i am no more on AT&T next. i sold the one which was on AT&T next and IUP now.
I received a text today that my case, created by a supervisor who said at the time that the issue would be resolved, was once again denied. I’m on the phone with them yet again to try to resolve.
[doublepost=1516130761][/doublepost]Ok, I’m happy to report that I appear to have had better luck today. I just got off the phone with customer service who indicated that she was able to immediately remove the charge from my bill and put it in dispute (ie. in limbo until it can be officially removed). She told me the new total to pay this month which equals what I’d expect a normal bill to be. She said the prior case was once again filed incorrectly and with the wrong team. She filed a new case with the “GGCO Team” which she said was specifically set up to deal with this exact issue, and she promised that they would know how to deal with it expeditiously. She said she could clearly see in their system that my phone was in their warehouse.

This call was way shorter than past calls. I did not have to explain everything all over again. She was able to look at my case and right away discern what the issue was. She seem to know exactly what to do. Again, this was way different than my past experiences, giving me confidence that I finally solved the problem. She told me the removal of the charge would not be reflected in my account for 48 hours, so I cannot verify directly yet, but she told me to pay the amount she gave me which excludes the phone charge.

I did not call a special number to get this person. It was the normal customer service number. For the rest of you, I suggest whenever you speak to an agent to specifically asked them to file a case with the “GGCO team”. The case number I was given after she filed it was only five digits, way shorter than the normal case number which is a bunch of numbers and digits with a dash.

I hope this helps others in this thread. AT&T has made this way too hard to deal with and i’m not sure what why all their agents aren’t already trained on how to handle this.
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This is why when I use AT&T next to get a new phone, I sell my old phone locally and then pay off the new phone in full once it shows up on my account. AT&T is horrible...but I stick around because I get a huge discount.
I may have to reconsider that approach. I went to Next because I found selling the phone myself to be a pain and a time sink. But this business with AT&T has sucked way more time than any direct sale that I have done. I've also considered using Apple's upgrade program but it is more expensive and I don't really need AppleCare, which is baked in and adds cost. Or maybe this is enough reason to stop upgrading every year. Perhaps the X will hold me over for two years.
To the OP, I would not give up on this (it doesn't seem like you are). I would keep fighting it, especially since you have all the proper documentation and tracking number which states that AT&T received the device.

This is why I was okay with paying more per month via the Apple iPhone Upgrade Program than AT&T NEXT (before I left for T-Mobile). I could simply "hold" the new device at my local Apple Store and give my old device directly to an associate to scan in. I didn't have to worry about USPS, UPS, FedEx losing the package in transit or AT&T claiming they never received the device (in the OP's case).

$1,000 is a lot of money. Given the situation, I would be fighting tooth and nail with AT&T until there was a resolution. It's a shame they have been giving the OP the run around with their employees entering incorrect information each time he calls in.
I received a text today that my case, created by a supervisor who said at the time that the issue would be resolved, was once again denied. I’m on the phone with them yet again to try to resolve.
[doublepost=1516130761][/doublepost]Ok, I’m happy to report that I appear to have had better luck today. I just got off the phone with customer service who indicated that she was able to immediately remove the charge from my bill and put it in dispute (ie. in limbo until it can be officially removed). She told me the new total to pay this month which equals what I’d expect a normal bill to be. She said the prior case was once again filed incorrectly and with the wrong team. She filed a new case with the “GGCO Team” which she said was specifically set up to deal with this exact issue, and she promised that they would know how to deal with it expeditiously. She said she could clearly see in their system that my phone was in their warehouse.

This call was way shorter than past calls. I did not have to explain everything all over again. She was able to look at my case and right away discern what the issue was. She seem to know exactly what to do. Again, this was way different than my past experiences, giving me confidence that I finally solved the problem. She told me the removal of the charge would not be reflected in my account for 48 hours, so I cannot verify directly yet, but she told me to pay the amount she gave me which excludes the phone charge.

I did not call a special number to get this person. It was the normal customer service number. For the rest of you, I suggest whenever you speak to an agent to specifically asked them to file a case with the “GGCO team”. The case number I was given after she filed it was only five digits, way shorter than the normal case number which is a bunch of numbers and digits with a dash.

I hope this helps others in this thread. AT&T has made this way too hard to deal with and i’m not sure what why all their agents aren’t already trained on how to handle this.

I had all of the same happen with me, eventually I had to go to an AT&T corporate store where they applied a gift card credit to my account, it took well over 2 months to get this fixed and had me seriously looking into another carrier. The ATT rep I spoke to during one of my numerous phone calls was less than helpful and had me furious, I explained that I would not pay the amount they billed me due to their error, and they made a "promise to pay" the disputed amount, which basically froze my account until I paid them or they credited my account, I have 7 lines on my account and they were still awful when trying to handle this via the phone.

Long story short, go into your local ATT corporate store and work through this or else it will hang out there for months.
mine was worse in that they finally found the phone and returned it and if I did not have a screenshot of the last scan and was able to find when the label was created i would be totally out of it. the problem too is I had no way to get the info to att. they teld me to go into a store and they can fax the documents. but the store has no way to do that. all they could do is look at my info and add what they saw onto my account in a note.
well my phone arrived but I have no clue if they have looked at it.
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Here’s what I do and have done last couple of models.

I pay the AT&T NEXT trade-in/upgrade price and tell them I am going to trade the phone in before I preorder the new iPhone.

Then, I sell the old phone to someone local or that I personally know. I’ve done eBay in the past with ZERO problems(about 7 iPhones including friends’ phones), but the fees they charge combined with PayPal is getting to the ludicrous level.

Meanwhile, AT&T will be waiting for the old phone which I won’t be sending back as I’ve sold it. I just use the money from the old phone sale and pay off the remaining balance which they usually charge me after about two months.

As a matter of fact, I just paid off my 7Plus balance of $410 3 days ago(my billing cycle with AT&T ends on the 10th each month) when I got the charge for it. And yes, I did preorder and receive my iPhone X on launch day.
[doublepost=1516184036][/doublepost]Also, AT&T needs to initiate a drop off program for their NEXT customers that takes the “uncertainty” of the customer’s shipping out of the loop.
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