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Sep 14, 2012
Nyc!! I find my Verizon coverage slipping! Any opinions on switching to at&t?? Thanks in advance!
Been with Verizon since 1998 and my Nokia 5120... because I've never had a reason to switch.

Coverage area has never failed me... best in the business.
I've had AT&T now for 6 years. Before that Verizon. I left Verizon as their customer service is awful and their employees are rude, plus I've always had issues with Verizon's network, SIM card issues, phone issues, etc. All Verizon would tell me to do is "Oh, please do a factory reset on your device" <<< That was their solution for EVERYTHING. 98% of the time it didn't make a difference. Their service was garbage. I made the switch to AT&T and my plan is actually cheaper than what it was on Verizon and I have better service. AT&T is not what it was back in the day, they have improved so much.

I also have a work iPhone through my company they supply us, they use Verizon. I hardly get coverage on my job site with it that I often have to use my personal iPhone through AT&T at work to make calls.

I couldn't be happier with AT&T. I think Verizon is too big for their own good, I think their coverage is outdated, their customer service is horrible, and Verizon is always in the news for something horrible.

Just my opinions.
My Verizon service in SoCal is also getting worse by the day. No LTE signal inside buildings, and very slow if/when it's there (on iPhone 7). This was one of the reasons why I switched from AT&T 3-4 years back. I may have to start looking at other options too.
I've had AT&T now for 6 years. Before that Verizon. I left Verizon as their customer service is awful and their employees are rude, plus I've always had issues with Verizon's network, SIM card issues, phone issues, etc. All Verizon would tell me to do is "Oh, please do a factory reset on your device" <<< That was their solution for EVERYTHING. 98% of the time it didn't make a difference. Their service was garbage. I made the switch to AT&T and my plan is actually cheaper than what it was on Verizon and I have better service. AT&T is not what it was back in the day, they have improved so much.

I also have a work iPhone through my company they supply us, they use Verizon. I hardly get coverage on my job site with it that I often have to use my personal iPhone through AT&T at work to make calls.

I couldn't be happier with AT&T. I think Verizon is too big for their own good, I think their coverage is outdated, their customer service is horrible, and Verizon is always in the news for something horrible.

Just my opinions.

This sounds pretty similar to why I switched to Verizon from AT&T. Had a very bad experience with AT&T years ago, switched to Verizon and haven't looked back. I've had nothing but good experiences with Verizon and pretty solid coverage in my area. My company uses Verizon so we are eligible for a corporate discount on monthly plans. I value their expansive coverage, everywhere I've traveled to has allowed me good reception. No real reason for me to consider switching, but it goes to show how important customer service is--in both of our cases.

The service thing thought, that should be a huge consideration when considering carriers and clearly what the OP is looking to understand. Sorry for the thread jack.
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Verizon works great for me where I live (Phoenix) and att sucks. I'm in Brooklyn and Manhattan for a couple of months and Verizon has worked pretty well but can be spotty and, at times , slow.
I have had both AT&T and Verizon. I have had an infinitely better experience with Verizon in comparison to AT&T in both coverage and customer service.

Your mileage may vary, but I plan on sticking with Verizon for the time being. Whoever gives me the best deal gets my business...I'm not what you would call "loyal" when it comes to who I am giving money for phone service.
I've always been pleased with AT&T. I travel a lot and the only place I can remember slow service was Southern California, and that was a few years ago. Never had any issues in NYC.
I switched from ATT to Verizon about 6-7 years ago because their service in Manhattan sucked. I'm still Verizon and staying with them for great coverage anywhere in the US. Although, I think ATT has very good roaming partners abroad compared to Verizon. So, if you don't travel as much, Verizon might be a better choice.
I am a long haul trucker and use Verizon exclusively. They have the best coverage across the US hands down. They are more expensive though.
Another of our drivers absolutely will not give up AT&T service and his calls are constantly dropping. I bugs the hell out of me because it happens ALL THE TIME.
Been with ATT for 5yrs and have not had any issues, but now their plans are more expensive than all the other carriers and since they bought Direct TV, they only give deals if you sign up for it. They do give corporate discounts but not on unlimited plans I believe.
been with verzion since about 96, their customer service calls me sometimes to tell me ways to save - but i've heard time and again they treat their long time customers better than normal ones

as for service, at&t around here is trash, my friends all complain about it, and in new york city i always get full signal with iphone 7 plus on verzion, and the lte calls are super crystal clear. You either have a defective phone or something is set wrong because ive gotten the HD calls at 98th street as well as penn station.
I've had AT&T since the iPhone 3G. Great coverage and LTE speeds, but the call quality isn't anything special unless it's an HD Voice call (meaning both you and the other party are on AT&T, have a plan/phone supporting HD Voice, and you're both in an HD Voice area). I don't think you'd notice any difference over Verizon outside of that.
Verizon... I've never had a problem with them. They've been the most reliable out of the three mobile services I've used (ATT, Verizon, Sprint).

Verizon > ATT >>>> Sprint, as far as speed, ability to get calls reliably, reception, etc
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