I have an ATT activation issue. Started Oct 16th trying to replace apple watch 3 with an apple watch 6. On the phone with ATT on the 16th, 19th, 22nd, 24th of October and again on Nov 4. each time 1 to 4 hours, same RESCOM0111 problem. Unpairing, pairing, cycling power on and off multiple times, same issue. Nice and polite support people. But I have no confidence in what they are telling me that the problem will ever be fixed. I have been with ATT since Cingular. 3 phones, iPad and 2 watches, only issue is the watch 6. I'll give them week or so then I have no choice, after all these years to switch to Verizon. Apparently I'm not the only apple watch 6 owner with this issue. Has anybody got this RESCOM0111 issue resolved?