Little confused as to which program would fit my needs better. I tend to use phones for at least 2 years and have always stuck to the regular cycle and never bought an S. 24 X 21.47= 515.28 with the next plan or $199 every two years( which I always recoupe after selling the old phone) any one made the transition to the next plan for a particular reason I might have missed in the details? Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks
My situation was a little different as we didn't have phones on Unlimited. We had a 550 minute plan with family text and 3GB on each phone.
At the time, AT&T was allowing us to switch to a Mobile Share plan and get the $25/line discount, even though we still had 7 months left on our 2 year contract.
I did the math and I was saving $30/month by going with the Mobile Share.
Here are a few key things to consider.
1. Do you have any employee discount plan (aka FAN)? Most FAN accounts only take the discount on the minutes portion of the plan. In our case, the discount was deducted from the $50 charge for the 550 minutes. The $30 for each 3GB was full priced. On the Mobile Share plan, we're charged $100 for our 10GB plan, and the discount comes off that number. So we get a bigger discount for getting more data.
2. Any additional smartphones added to our account would save even more money compared to our previous minutes plan. However, adding a feature/flip phone would actually cost us money since on our old plan, it was $10/month extra for a flip phone.
When we upgraded to iPhone 6's, we had 3 choices. Subsidy, NEXT, or full price. We ultimately went with full price. Here are some things to think about.
1. On subsidy, we would lose our $25/mo discount on 2 lines. Over 24 months, that's $600 per phone. The subsidy on an iPhone is $450, so we'd lose $150 per phone over two years by going subsidy.
2. So the choice was either NEXT or full price. If you do the math, it's basically the same price either way. You do have to have the cash available when you buy the phone, but that wasn't an issue for me. I went full price because I get an additional year of warranty coverage through my credit card (Amex) and in the program detail, Amex states that you must put the full cost of the item on the card. On NEXT, there is no charge (other than sales tax) that goes against the Amex, so I felt that the extra year of warranty was worth it over NEXT.
NOTE - I did not contact Amex to get the full details of how the program would work when it's a $0 down purchase. Perhaps paying for the sales tax would have been enough for Amex to constitute a purchase eligble for the extended warranty program. I figured it wasn't worth the bother to spend time calling Amex to find out.
Hope this helps your decision.