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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 31, 2017
I have an Apple TV 4 and it appears to be stuck at the Data & Privacy screen. I am not using the original Siri remote that was paired with this ATV. I am trying to pair a 2nd Siri remote but I am not successful. I have restarted the ATV using the 2nd remote and it comes back to the same screen. To pair it, I tried Menu + Volume Up or Menu + Volume Down. Neither one seemed to work.

Perhaps, I am missing something. Maybe it is hung up on something. There should be some way to force a pairing between remote and ATV.

Most of the time teachers will hide the Siri remote or it is locked in the desk. Unfortunately I don't have access to the original Siri remote (the paired remote) and I need to be able to perform ATV updates over the summer.

I understand the ATV 4 doesn't allow two Siri remotes to be paired at the same time. What are my options?
I am not familiar with Harmony remotes. Does the Harmony remotes work with ATV 4? How does the Harmony remotes communicate with ATV 4? I would be looking at a Logitech Harmony Elite remote or some other model?

I don't want to buy a Harmony remote only to find out it doesn't work as intended or I have to use a receiver to communicate with the ATV 4. I just need this to be simple not complicated.
I programmed by Harmony 700 to work with the Apple TV without ever using the original remote. The best way to program the Harmony would be to use the Harmony software ( The functions are mapped to particular buttons but I highly customized my Harmony button to perform certain functions such as the "up" key taking me directly to the home screen.

I purchased by Apple TV 4k in February, used the Harmony to set it up, and used the siri remote in March to confirm that it works and this test lasted about 3 minutes. I haven't used the Siri remote since. This test was done after I used the Harmony with my Apple TV for about a month. I didn't have to pair the Harmony with the Apple TV either.
You are using the Harmony remote with one ATV which is easier to configure and use it. I would like to use it with multiple ATVs which may or may not work the same way.
I am not familiar with Harmony remotes.
How does the Harmony remotes communicate with ATV 4[
It uses infra-red
(so if the aTV is hidden in a cabinet, you'll need to open the door, unlike the siri remote)

you don't need harmony.

any all-in-one remote should work, most have the apple codes pre-programmed.
you might be able to use the one that came with a cable box, you'll probably need to find the manual online to get the code to load the apple commands.

or the old apple remotes also work (white plastic or metal)
should be able to find one for cheap on eBay
or talk to the "apple person" among your friends... they used to ship remotes with macs also, between old macs and aTVs, i've at least 3 or 4 sitting in a drawer.

My Harmony 700 works with both and I did not have to pair to either one under the Apple Tv's settings.

Pairing does nothing to the remote, only the device you're controlling.

apple remotes have an ID code (0-255)
when you send a command it sends the code also

**a paired receiver will listen only to commands with the code it was paired with (you have a 1 in 256 chance of a second remote controlling a paired receiver)
**an un-paired receiver will listen to commands with any ID code.

since both of your aTVs are un-paired, they listen to any apple IR remote.
It uses infra-red
(so if the aTV is hidden in a cabinet, you'll need to open the door, unlike the siri remote)

you don't need harmony.

any all-in-one remote should work, most have the apple codes pre-programmed.
you might be able to use the one that came with a cable box, you'll probably need to find the manual online to get the code to load the apple commands.

or the old apple remotes also work (white plastic or metal)
should be able to find one for cheap on eBay
or talk to the "apple person" among your friends... they used to ship remotes with macs also, between old macs and aTVs, i've at least 3 or 4 sitting in a drawer.

Pairing does nothing to the remote, only the device you're controlling.

apple remotes have an ID code (0-255)
when you send a command it sends the code also

**a paired receiver will listen only to commands with the code it was paired with (you have a 1 in 256 chance of a second remote controlling a paired receiver)
**an un-paired receiver will listen to commands with any ID code.

since both of your aTVs are un-paired, they listen to any apple IR remote.

I have confirmed the ATV 3 (silver) remote does work with ATV 4. I am not sure why Apple designed the ATV 4 to ONLY work with 1 Siri remote. In my case, if the original Siri remote (the paired remote) is lost or a teacher hides it, it puts me at a disadvantage when I want to update ATV over the summer. I can't rely on a teacher to fix or update the ATV.
I have confirmed the ATV 3 (silver) remote does work with ATV 4. I am not sure why Apple designed the ATV 4 to ONLY work with 1 Siri remote. In my case, if the original Siri remote (the paired remote) is lost or a teacher hides it, it puts me at a disadvantage when I want to update ATV over the summer. I can't rely on a teacher to fix or update the ATV.
That's when you get a iPod Touch or an old iPhone to act as a master remote for all of these devices so you don't have to hunt for a remote.
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