Thanks indeed for making this application available again
The application 'ATVCloner' quit unexpectedly .....
Thanks indeed for making this application available again
Not being a Mac guy (g/f's computer) can anyone give me a couple of pointers to installing this on a MacBook 2,1 running OSX 10.5.8.
Dynaflash, thanks for your excellent work on ATVCloner. I just wanted to tell you that the app also quits unexpectedly if you try to run it on OS X 10.8 and 10.8.1.
hey there dynaflash -
just thought i'd pass this on
was thinking about also upgrading my apple tv 1 with a larger hard drive, and found this thread
NOTE - i downloaded your link to the and it fires up (haven't tried anything with it yet)
BUT - then i saw your message about a leopard version, so i downloaded it but it crashes on running...
i did notice that it seems to be dated aug 21, 2009
and the "2" version is dated oct 14, 2011
i'm guessing i should use the oct 2011 version?
i'm running snow leopard 10.6.8
fwiw, site is back up
Thanks for your hard work! Is there a Mountain Lion version yet?
nope, I don't run ML. Though I don't know that 2.0 doesn't work on ML.