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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 29, 2012

I would like to upgrade my ATV 1 with a bigger HD.
I have tried to get Atvcloner from for 2 weeks but it is never alive.
Does someone knows if it will come back and could someone send it to me?

I'd also like a copy to re-image my atv, unfortunately is still down :(
Sorry, my site is down. Looking for a new server and will have it back up as soon as I can.

pm me if you want atvcloner.
I also need ATVCloner but I can't figure out how to pm you. The option is not available. Thanks in advance.
I would love to receive a copy too, because my appleTV HD ist not working anymore and I'd like to repair it.
I'd like to figure out a way to get a copy of Atvcloner too. My 160gb is drive is full and I have a 320gb drive ready.
Thank you! Wow, that was a truly painless process.

Can't wait to reassemble my ATV when I get back from work tonight.
Thanks indeed for making this application available again:)

Not being a Mac guy (g/f's computer) can anyone give me a couple of pointers to installing this on a MacBook 2,1 running OSX 10.5.8.

I believe that I have correctly downloaded and dragged the application to the Applications Folder. However when I launch the program I get:
The application 'ATVCloner' quit unexpectedly .....

In the preview panel it shows; Size:124kb on disk

I can also get a detailed problem report which I could post here if that is OK?

Hoping to be able to image an ATV hard drive to rescue my own ATV with failed HDD.

Thanks for any help.
Thanks indeed for making this application available again:)
The application 'ATVCloner' quit unexpectedly .....

Dynaflash, thanks for your excellent work on ATVCloner. I just wanted to tell you that the app also quits unexpectedly if you try to run it on OS X 10.8 and 10.8.1.
Thanks indeed for making this application available again:)

Not being a Mac guy (g/f's computer) can anyone give me a couple of pointers to installing this on a MacBook 2,1 running OSX 10.5.8.

Here is a link to the Leopard version of AtvCloner

That should work on leopard.


Dynaflash, thanks for your excellent work on ATVCloner. I just wanted to tell you that the app also quits unexpectedly if you try to run it on OS X 10.8 and 10.8.1.

Okay, well I am not on Mountain Lion yet so have no way to try to fix it.
Many, many thanks + a bit more info

Here is a link to the Leopard version of AtvCloner[/url]

That should work on leopard.

..... and it certainly does! Thank you so much man, your programming skills have enabled me to rescue my ATV. The HDD had somehow got corrupted, I think because it locked up with AtvFlash running. Either that or the HDD is going to fail ......soon!

I had previously tried to clone a known good AppleTV disk with dd in Terminal but it would always crash at about 3+Gb. No idea why but possibly bad hardware(?)

Just to encourage anyone who might be having problems with ATVCloner: I did get a couple of crashes with ATVCloner when trying to write the disk partitions. However, I found if I closed ATVCloner after copying the source disk and then reopening it, the disk partitions would be created without any problem. Hope this helps someone.
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leopard version not working

hey there dynaflash -

just thought i'd pass this on

was thinking about also upgrading my apple tv 1 with a larger hard drive, and found this thread

NOTE - i downloaded your link to the and it fires up (haven't tried anything with it yet)

BUT - then i saw your message about a leopard version, so i downloaded it but it crashes on running...

i did notice that it seems to be dated aug 21, 2009

and the "2" version is dated oct 14, 2011

i'm guessing i should use the oct 2011 version?

i'm running snow leopard 10.6.8

hey there dynaflash -

just thought i'd pass this on

was thinking about also upgrading my apple tv 1 with a larger hard drive, and found this thread

NOTE - i downloaded your link to the and it fires up (haven't tried anything with it yet)

BUT - then i saw your message about a leopard version, so i downloaded it but it crashes on running...

i did notice that it seems to be dated aug 21, 2009

and the "2" version is dated oct 14, 2011

i'm guessing i should use the oct 2011 version?

i'm running snow leopard 10.6.8


Snow leopard uses
Minimum space required for ATV1 3.0.2 OS?

Hello Dynaflash,
I'm planning to put Crystalbuntu on my ATV1. First I'm going to replace the existing internal HD with a bootable SD IDE interface and SD card.

In order to install Crystalbuntu, I think I need the internal HD (SD in my case) to be ATV1 bootable with ATV1 3.0.2 OS. Therefore, I'm going to atvcloner from HD to SD.

Do you (or anyone on this thread) know the minimum space required for an ATV1 clone / 3.0.2 OS?

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