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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 29, 2015

Trying to finish a project on deadline and have created a slideshow in iMovie 09. I have got my visuals on order and my soundtrack sounds great in Garageband. I exported it to iTunes and then imported into iMovie.

The track started out as 3.25 in length, once I imported into iMovie it still says 3.25 but when I lay it into the movie it truncates to 2.56. The clip trimmer has the clip trimmed but will not allow me to extend.

What Gives? I have done all that I know how to do. Any tips that you can give would be greatly appreciated!
My experience has been that the audio is shortened to end with the video. You'll discover that the audio will be extended when you add more content - either video or stills - to the clip. Sometimes I add credits and/or links to URLS to extend the length of the clip.
Just guessing, but maybe your video project is set to 48khz and your audio was rendered and imported at 44.1khz?
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