Sorry! I should have included that I am using a 6 Plus.
By the way, I just removed and reinstalled Auxo 3 and the homescreen landscaping is now working just fine in regular mode and using Auxo multi center.
Must have just been a small installation bug!! It had to have been as I tried restarting my device a few times and it did not correct the issue. Only thing the corrected was uninstalling and reinstalling.
So if anybody else reading this has an issue with landscape mode just try reinstalling.
UPDATE: okay let me add to what I just said as I just discovered a little bit more about the landscaping issue. After reinstalling landscape mode worked just fine with Auxo and multi center and all. However, after installing once I rebooted my device is when landscape mode stopped working, as it just happened again.
If this happens, it can be corrected not be rebooting your device but by respringing. I tried that after restarting just now and it corrected the landscaping issue.