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macrumors 601
Original poster
Sep 16, 2006
Down south
I have a cellular watch ordered through ATT with a 9/30 delivery. I don’t love ATT because they don’t let you choose a band, and it’ll ship with a band I really don’t like and won’t use (sport loop).

I can order through Apple and get what I want delivered on release day.

My dilemmas are whether to trade my SS S8 AND how important having cellular really is.

I was considering ordering a non-cellular and keeping my SS which has cellular, but I’m sure I won’t really be wearing the older watch at times when I feel like the cellular would be useful, and it’s not the watch I’d want to sleep in because it’s heavier and not as comfortable for sleep. My S8 DOES have working 02, but I mean really you can buy those for $20, so IDK how important I feel like that is in comparison to some of the new features.
Order what you really want from Apple. Hold onto your S8 for a couple of months and see if you use it (maybe when your other one is charging). Trade in values are low and if you’re not using it in a couple of months sell it privately or trade it in for store credit.
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I'm in a kind of similar situation. My new watch will be cellular (Ultra 2), so I'm going to transfer the eSIM from my old AW8 to the Ultra and keep the S8 as a backup/second watch, with no cellular plan. I can wear the S8 at night for sleep tracking (it has the working SpO2 sensor) and the Ultra 2 the rest of the time.

I don't see any sense in trading the AW8 in - they're only offering $135 for it, so I may as well hang on to it so I have options.
I can order through Apple and get what I want delivered on release day.

My dilemmas are whether to trade my SS S8 AND how important having cellular really is.

For various reasons it's better to order from Apple. If you have a use for the S8 - such as swapping to it at bedtime for sleep tracking or keeping it for when you're going to be doing something potentially damaging the new watch - I'd just keep it. IMHO you'll not notice the weight but YMMV. You can always resell the S8 later via swappa or to an independent wholesaler.

Usefulness of cellular depends on you and your habits. I find it very valuable, you may or may not. Nice bit is you don't have to keep a plan on the watch when you order from Apple.

I don't find any value in the O2 sensor, but I also don't have any medical conditions that require blood oxygen metering.

I'm going to transfer the eSIM from my old AW8 to the Ultra and keep the S8 as a backup/second watch, with no cellular plan.
My experience is that when setting up a new watch the process asks if I wish to transfer my cell plan from the old watch to the new and it does so. Very simple process. Don't even need to unpair the old watch. This is with T-Mobile, don't know if other carriers make it more difficult?
Usefulness of cellular depends on you and your habits. I find it very valuable, you may or may not. Nice bit is you don't have to keep a plan on the watch when you order from Apple.
I consider it worth the small cost. I don't use/need it often, but it's convenient to have it when I either forget my phone or purposely leave it behind. I can also think of a few "emergency" cases where it may come in handy and I'll be glad I have it. It's $12, I spend a lot more than that on inconsequential nonsense every month.

My experience is that when setting up a new watch the process asks if I wish to transfer my cell plan from the old watch to the new and it does so. Very simple process. Don't even need to unpair the old watch. This is with T-Mobile, don't know if other carriers make it more difficult?
This will be the first time I've transferred a cell plan from one watch to another, so I'm glad to hear it's a simple process. I'm with T-Mobile also, so hopefully it will be easy.
I consider it worth the small cost. I don't use/need it often, but it's convenient to have it when I either forget my phone or purposely leave it behind. I can also think of a few "emergency" cases where it may come in handy and I'll be glad I have it. It's $12, I spend a lot more than that on inconsequential nonsense every month.

I used it more when I regularly ran without my cellphone, but still frequently don't bother carrying my phone when walking the dog a couple miles at lunchtime. There's also all the times I'm working the garage or yard outside wifi range without my phone. It's definitely been worthwhile.

BTW - if it makes a difference, TMO also quietly offers a $7/mo (after autopay discount) watch plan with 500MB high speed data then unlimited 128kbps. Only time I've ever came close to the data cap was when I inadvertently streamed music without my phone.

Granted, a $60/yr cost difference isn't a big deal but for my needs why not take it. Whether it'd work for you or not is up to your individual usage.

This will be the first time I've transferred a cell plan from one watch to another, so I'm glad to hear it's a simple process. I'm with T-Mobile also, so hopefully it will be easy.

I'll just insert the disclaimer that it's been easy in the past - they certainly might find a way to screw it up in the future. :)
My dilemmas are ... how important having cellular really is.
Do you ever make calls, text, use Walkie-Talkie, or stream music/podcasts on your current Apple Watch while purposely leaving your phone behind? Or do you still carry your phone around anyway?

If the former, then yes...having cellular is good. Those are pretty much the only benefits of a cellular Apple Watch. If the latter, you probably don't need cellular. You can still do all those things if your phone is nearby. (You also don't need cellular to use Apple Pay without a phone, which many people seem to think.)

If you only have a cellular watch for emergency purposes...get a cellular one, but you don't need a cellular plan for it. You'll still be able to contact emergency services with it.
Thanks for the input! I think I’m definitely gonna stick with cellular. One of the main reasons I’ve had it is for times when I’m out in my barn. I don’t usually bring my phone, and it’s too far from my house to stay connected. I like the idea of it detecting a fall and making an emergency call. I know that may or may not actually work, but I know it CAN work, and I guess it gives me some peace of mind. In addition, it’s nice to know I can answer a call or text from out there if it’s something that needs to be responded to quickly.

Still on the fence about keeping or trading the S8.
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