Ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling this app a few times and all I can get is the loading screen. Anyone successfully running this app on the AW3 or OS4?
Same problem. Hangs on the loading screen. I can't get Huemote to work (consistently) either.
Same problem, Hue is not working on my Series 3. I have the SS, but LTE is not activated. My guess is that the app has not been updated for WatchOS 4.
It’s working on my series 0 with OS 4. It’s version 2.14.1 of the Hue app, but it’s from August so it’s definitely in need of an update for iOS 11 and watchOS 4. I think it worked better on iOS 10 and watchOS 3. On the new OS versions it seems to take longer to connect to the bridge and fails to connect sometimes.
Is your bridge up to date? Go into settings on the iOS app and check for software updates. If so, try restarting your bridge.
Bridge is up to date and I've got the same version of Hue running as you do. Bridge and network have both been refreshed as part of troubleshooting. Still no dice.
LTE.? If so, try disabling LTE so the watch is forced to communicate over BT and WiFi. Just a hunch, but might not be a good one.
Even on my AW Sport Series 0, Hue apps are really spotty. They communicate with the Hue base about half the time. iPhone is more consistent, but the only totally reliable control is my Hue switch.
I just posted this in another thread:
My Philips Hue app on my AW3 LTE is working fine. However, I am running watchOS 4.1 beta and had not tried the app before loading the beta. I did have to update my app via my iPhone and create a widget for all to work.
The Phillips Hue app was updated yesterday to v2.16.0. After updating the Hue app on my iPhone (and the Hue Bridge), as well as updating my AW3 to 4.0.1 earlier today, the Hue app is working.