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macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 22, 2009
Anyone watching "Bad Sisters" and can tell my about how good/bad it is in your honest opinion?
i think its decent. a bit daft and i nearly gave up early on as i felt that it was confusing in that he was clearly supposed to be someone we wouldnt like and would see as bad, but all the reasons they gave early on reflected on the sisters rather than him. once that started to change it got better, and great actresses in it.
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Yeah, still sorting this one... I keep thinking that I'm done, but then I go back and watch another episode... read somewhere that season 2 was a pretty decent possibility... curious how that would work, what with JP dead...
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Anyone watching "Bad Sisters" and can tell my about how good/bad it is in your honest opinion?

Enjoyed it very much. The John Paul character (the main antagonist), I am conflicted. The actor does an excellent job of portraying him as an insufferable dick you just want to reach into the screen and strangle. Too good, however, to the point where I am actually uncomfortable watching him interact with the sisters.

It’s an interesting premise in that the sisters do ultimately get away with murder. You are left wondering who the culprit really is. I thought it got a big draggy towards the end (could have been 8 episodes instead of 10), but a good show overall.
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