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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 4, 2016
I have a series of video clips that I want to splice/edit together, add Menu/Chapter points, and Burn to DVD. Nothing too fancy.

I'm new to all this and looking for suggestions for a simple workflow of applications that would bring all these elements together as there doesn't seem to be a single 'catch all' application.

I'm running on Mojave (10.14.4) and not looking to upgrade anytime soon as I have apps I use that will not transfer across.

Any pointers would be much appreciated.
iMovie will do the editing/splicing for you. If it's not on your Mac already it should be available(free) on the App Store. Share/export your finished Project as a movie file and then you can use Subler to add Chapter Markers.

After that, you can use Burn to make your DVD.
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iMovie will do the editing/splicing for you. If it's not on your Mac already it should be available(free) on the App Store. Share/export your finished Project as a movie file and then you can use Subler to add Chapter Markers.

After that, you can use Burn to make your DVD.

Thanks for the pointers - much appreciated!
Not come across Subler before - so that's a great solution for me

Not come across Subler before - so that's a great solution for me
A tip for using Subler. You have to use a text file to set up the Chapters. Use TextEdit and make a Plain Text document like this:
00:00:33.000 chapter 1
00:09:41.000 chapter 2

That puts Chapter Markers in the movie at 33 seconds and 9 minutes and 41 seconds.
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