Once again, a huge thank you for your suggestions. Jessica/Night Spring I think you're right - perhaps using a different DAW is the only way to go. It's still a terrible shame because Garagaband is the only reason I bought the iPad. I only travel with a very small guitar so the Smart Instruments in Garageband were a huge draw for putting together a demo. I can see I'll be working with Garageband to take advantage of the Smart Instruments...then exporting those tracks as audio files, then importing those audio files in to another DAW...and from there exporting....oh god. I'm tired already. What a ridiculous situation :-D
Also, Jessica, perhaps you can clarify something for me. I'm not sure I understand what you're getting at when you say you can't use "open in" with Cubasis. Do you mean if I store a project on external drive, I won't be able to open it on the iPad with Cubasis? Sorry if this is a naive question. Despite being an IT professional in a previous life, I'm pretty new to Apple products and it seems like there's a whole new set of rules to learn.
And yes Night Spring, you're absolutely right, the issue is with Garageband not the iPad, but I still blame Apple. Well no, I blame myself for crediting Apple with anything but greed and devisive marketing tactics.