I want to find a basic photo organizer for my 1,000+ photos. I'd like it to have a folder structure that I can drag and drop photos into it....
A lot of people here simply use finder folders. This has the big advantage of being easy to understand and it costs zero. It works well if you only have a few thousand photos.
The problem with using folders is later after to collect maybe 50,000 photos and then you want to find one. Let's say you mostly shoot wildlife and finally you've decided to make a book that contains the best few shots of each species. So you ask yourself a few questions
1) How many different kinds of animals are in my library?
2) Let's get all the photos of Elk in one place so I can short and rank them
Your images are in folders, one folder per month and you have maybe 150 folders. There is only one way to answer #1. You have to look at every image in every folder and keep a tally sheet. You can do that with a few thousand images but at some point this becomes full time job. Then after you have determined you have 47 decent shots of an Elk you will have to copy each one manually to an "Elk" folder. same for the 1,234 images squirrels ad your 341 bluebirds and so on an and so on. It would take weeks to do this
But on the other hand if the images were in a real database and they were tagged it would take a program like Lightroom about 1 second to answer each of the above two questions.
In short, of course it is easy to simply dump images in folders by date. But then you need to remember for the rest of your life when you took each photo so you could to the correct folder. So then you have the idea to make a folder for each type of animal. This works until one day there are two animals in one image. So you copy the image? that's ugly because now you need crop and apply edits twice. And then after sorting to animal name folders one day you want to find the "animals of Florida" and you are forced to manually look at every image.
Libraries and databases work well for retrieval. About the only reason not to use something like that is that you don't understand how it works and don't want to learn. But if yu don't put the images into some kind of manager you will never find them. OK, with only a couple thousand image you can memorize the catalog but if you have 30,000 images shot over a 10 year period, you can't.
For those who don't understand catalogs, think of a public library in the old days before computers they had drawers of paper cards. Each book had three cards one for tile, subject and author. A better system would allow any number of cards for each book. That is pretty much what we do today. Each book might have a half dozen cards. In this case our books are photos.
Of course Lightroom lets you place image files in folders any way you like. But you tend to never access them that way.